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On 20 April 2009, council resolved to introduce a public transport levy to help accelerate improvements to local public transport services and infrastructure and to promote patronage. This levy was restructured to a transport levy in 2014. During this time the levy has delivered a range of activities that have led to improved services.

The annual transport levy is playing a key role in improving our connectivity to work, recreation and each other. Importantly, it is also helping us plan for the future transport needs of one of Australia's fastest growing regions.

While the Queensland Government is responsible for the public transport network and solutions in the region, the transport levy helps council continue to advocate to the State and Federal governments for much-needed investment in our region - for better public transport and improved road and rail infrastructure. The levy also enables council to trial transport services to assess the viability for permanent services.

Transport levy funded projects

Transport infrastructure is a critical component of managing growth on the Sunshine Coast, providing the connections between community and facilities across the region. The transport levy is a crucial funding source to enable the region to maintain its liveability and attractiveness as a destination of choice for holiday makers and residents. The levy provides a constrained funding source that is restricted to uses prescribed under the Transport Levy Policy 2024 (PDF, 954KB).

Through the levy, council is investing in projects that wouldn't otherwise be possible:

Transport model investments

In 2020-21 council has continued to develop region wide and local area computer models. This will assist with transport planning and forecasting of trips across the Sunshine Coast. This model development has been undertaken in conjunction with the Department of Transport and Main Roads and is partly funded by the Transport Levy.

Transport modelling enables council to analyse the existing and future performance of the transport network. The outputs from these models are used to assist council in:

  • optimising traffic signals to reduce vehicle queuing and improve coordination between signals
  • identifying future travel demand in the region
  • determining the best solutions to addressing current bottlenecks and treatments to service future travel demand in the region
  • prioritising future transport works to ensure best use of community money
  • determining the required sequencing of projects.

This project will lead to improved transport models jointly owned by council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Transport Levy Policy 2024

The Transport Levy Policy 2024 (PDF, 954KB) directs how the levy can be assigned to projects or programs in an effective, open and accountable way.

Transport Levy annual reports

The Transport Levy annual reports provide information on how the Transport Levy is improving connectivity today, and for the future:

Transport Levy Program 2024-25

Council adopted the Transport Levy Program 2024-25 (PDF, 123KB) at a special meeting held on 20 June 2024.

More information

If you would like more information on any of these topics, please contact council.