Council’s development services range from planning, engineering, plumbing and landscaping approvals to provision of specialist advice to the community on planning requirements, audits of private development works, investigation of public concerns around land use or development, and management of appeals.
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Development tools and guidelines
Easy access to Development.i, Sunshine Coast mapping system, fee estimate calculator, development indicators and other information, standards and specifications.
Development applications
Property information requests, property searches, arranging pre-lodgement meetings, DA forms and other information about making formal building applications to council
Find information about plumbing approvals, forms, fees and charges, and inspection requirements.
Find information about building and development approvals, forms, fees and charges, legislative requirements for swimming pools.
Complaints and compliance
Notify council of development, building and plumbing concerns.
Council can perform a variety of searches on a nominated property for purposes like conveyancing.
Planning documents
The Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014, the New Planning Scheme Project, former and superseded planning schemes and council's submission on the draft SEQ regional plan
Local government infrastructure plan and charges
The LGIP identifies council’s plans for trunk infrastructure that is necessary to service urban development at the desired standard of service in a coordinated, efficient and financially sustainable manner.
Infrastructure charges resolution
View the latest version of the infrastructure charges resolution.
Infrastructure charges register
The register contains details levied infrastructure charges on development approvals and financial reporting on trunk infrastructure revenue and expenditure.