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Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Major events sponsorship program

Council aims to position the Sunshine Coast as Australia's premier regional major events destination.

Major events sponsorship program

The Sunshine Coast is one of Australia’s fastest growing regions and its thriving economy benefits from a strong tourism industry. The region hosts a variety of major events each year to support off-peak tourism periods, which reinforce its reputation as a leading destination and support our aim to position the region as Australia’s premier events destination.

The Sunshine Coast Major Events Strategy 2018-2028 – 2023 Refresh has a focus on the long-term outcomes and benefits from hosting a diverse portfolio of Major events. The immediate economic and visitation impact of events will always be the primary measure of success for each event, alongside its ability to support local businesses, profile the Sunshine Coast as an attractive destination, provide accessible opportunities and contribute to the Sunshine Coast Biosphere through sustainability practices. 

Major Events Sponsorship Process

Applications for Major Event Sponsorship goes through a rigorous assessment process to ensure the best return on investment.

  • Firstly, event organisers will be required to complete a questionnaire in order to be considered for applying for Major Events Sponsorship. Our team will conduct a preliminary assessment based on the information you have provided and will provide a response via email to your nominated email address.
  • To receive the questionnaire, please email [email protected] and one of our experienced partnership managers will be in touch.
  • If events are deemed to meet the criteria, applicants will be sent an invitation to apply for Major Event Sponsorship and the associated application form.
  • The sponsorship application is then assessed by Council’s Tourism and Major Events Unit before being evaluated by an independent advisory Working Group, and then consequently the Sunshine Coast Events Board who provide a recommendation to Council. Please find more information on the Sunshine Coast Events Board here.

Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible to apply for Major Event sponsorship, an event must meet the key objectives as stated below.  Please ensure that you are able to provide the following prior to considering applying for sponsorship;

  • The total number of event participants/attendees by location (local, intrastate, interstate, and international).
  • An accurate estimate of projected visitor nights from the event participants/attendees.
  • An accurate event budget, including projected spend from local businesses and suppliers.
  • Event media coverage information, including the size and type of audiences.
  • A comprehensive event marketing plan.

Sponsorship Rounds

There are six (6) Sunshine Coast Major Events Sponsorship Rounds each calendar year, applications are required to be submitted a minimum eight (8) months prior to their event date.

RoundClosing DateAnticipated Outcome
Round 19 January 2024End of February 2024
Round 220 February 2024Mid-April 2024
Round 39 April 2024End of May 2024
Round 425 June 2024Mid-August 2024
Round 5 20 August 2024Mid-October 2024
Round 622 October 2024Mid-December 2024

Additional Information

For further guidance regarding Major Event funding, we encourage event organisers to review the following documents that will be beneficial prior to applying for sponsorship;

Other Funding Opportunities

We appreciate that any potential funding can be an important revenue stream for events. Therefore, we would recommend you have a look at the Sunshine Coast Council Funding Finder – the free program allows you to search for available grants and funding for your events, businesses and projects outside of the Major Events Sponsorship Program.

Visit Sunshine Coast Grant Finder -


For more information about staging a major event on the Sunshine Coast, contact our major events team via email [email protected].