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The Maroochy River Canoe Trail is ideal for families, seniors, couples, and groups with all levels of fitness and paddling experience.

A trip on the trail is about getting active and having fun. You will discover a peaceful and healthy way to connect to the Coast's stunning natural environment. You will also learn more about the history and culture of the region.

The trail is located in the heart of Queensland’s Sunshine Coast on the Maroochy River. It is around 30-kilometers long, and the upper reaches start at Lake Dunethin, a main entry point with disability access.

From Lake Dunethin, paddlers can paddle north to George Best Park which is located east of the Bruce Highway, or south to Coolum Creek, the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary and Mangrove Islands, into the lower reaches of the Maroochy River.

Choose the experience that suits you

Choose the course that suits you – chill out and cruise around for a few hours, or have a whole day paddling adventure.

Boost your amazing experience with information about the local flora and fauna and the history of the Maroochy district.

View paddling times, trail sections and facilities.

Sharing the trail

The trail has many farms and private residences along its length. To respect the privacy of landholders and avoid erosion of river banks, paddlers should only land at public or identified access points.

Other things to consider:

  • Watch for motorboats.
  • Respect anglers – avoid their fishing lines.
  • Say g'day to any passing paddlers – they are a great source of advice.

Caring for the environment

  • Take any litter with you, or use bins where provided. As well as being unsightly, rubbish endangers native wildlife and attracts feral animals.
  • Do not approach or feed pets and livestock.
  • Maintain distance from all birds and nesting places.
  • Avoid polluting the river with any detergents or litter.
  • Clean equipment when moving between river systems to minimise the spread of aquatic weeds.