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Council is working in partnership with Caloundra Off Road Cycling Association Inc. (CORCA) to begin to formalise, maintain, and improve the mountain bike trail network that currently exists in the reserve. The partnership will allow council to work with the riding community to make sure that the network both meets international standards and is interesting to ride into the future.

Project scope

The current scope is to:

  • upgrade existing trails to meet International Mountain Bike Association Standards
  • upgrade existing timber features
  • provide way-finding and risk management signage through the reserve.

Project status

Council and CORCA are currently working to upgrade a number of trails across the reserve. This will see signage and other improvements develop over the next six to twelve months, if you want to know more or get involved see contacts below.

Where to from here

Council will also be undertaking a master planning process for the site in the near future to determine the long-term outcomes for the community and the reserve. More information will be provided as the process develops.


If you are interested in being a volunteer, contact CORCA on their Facebook page.

If you require additional information regarding this project, contact council's Recreation Trails Officer on (07) 5420 8671.