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Program includes water confidence, water safety awareness, survival and rescue techniques, basic swim skills and beach safety. 

Six-week program (Buderim)

Includes a welcome day, six pool classes and one beach safety day.

Cost $50.00

Pool classes 

10 February to 16 March 2024

Saturdays from 9.30am to 11.30am

Goodlife Community Centre, 100 Buderim Pines Dr, Buderim.

Beach safety awareness day

23 March 2024 from 9.30am to 11.30am, or 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Ithaca - Caloundra Life Saving Club, 29 Esplanade Bulcock Beach, Caloundra.

Intensive sessions (Nambour)

Intensive sessions include five pool classes and one beach day.

Cost $50.00

Pool classes will be held each day from 18 to 22 March 2024.

8.30am to 9.30am (female only) or 5.00pm to 6.00pm (male and female)

Nambour Aquatic Centre.

Beach safety awareness day 

23 March 2024 from 9.30am to 11.30am, or 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

Ithaca - Caloundra Life Saving Club, 29 Esplanade Bulcock Beach, Caloundra.


Register HERE

Numbers will be limited per session.

For more information contact Royal Life Saving Society Queensland, phone, (07) 3823 2823 or email [email protected]