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In Queensland, illegal dumping is an offence and penalties apply.

Illegal dumping is the unlawful disposal of any type of waste material that is 200 litres or more in volume. This is about the volume of a wheelie bin.

See it - Report it!

Council has partnered with the Department of Environment and Science to increase monitoring and identify illegal dumpers.

If you see it, report it via the form at the bottom of the page.

With your help, our team can make a difference in protecting our valuable environment on the Sunshine Coast.

To be successful, our team needs as many details as you can about the dumped waste, location, and if possible, dumper vehicle and driver details.

Illegal dumping can occur in many areas including:

  • bushland, parks and forests
  • roadsides
  • open space such as parks
  • outside charity bins and shops
  • on the kerbside.

Illegally dumped items commonly include:

  • household rubbish
  • garden waste
  • household goods (such as whitegoods, TVs, mattresses and furniture)
  • building waste (construction and demolition materials)
  • tyres
  • chemical drums and paint tins

Dispose of your waste - the right way

Dumping waste in the environment, rather than disposing in the correct way, is illegal and unsightly. And it can be harmful to our environment.

There are many ways to dispose of your waste with little or no cost:

Fines for illegal dumping

Locals and visitors agree it's not OK to use our community as a dumpsite! But a small number of people are spoiling our natural areas for everyone else.

Illegal dumping is a crime and you can be reported and fined.

Fines for illegal dumping range from $2400 to $155,000.

Illegal dumping vs littering

Littering is waste that is less than 200 litres (which is around wheelie bin size).

Anyone who witnesses a person littering can report it online through the Queensland Department of Environment and Science website.

More information

For more information or advice regarding illegal dumping please contact council.