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ArtsCoast Space for Creative residency program, Project 24 is currently housed at 2ND Space, Nambour. These residencies are open for application yearly and will take up to twenty-four residencies over a twelve-month period.

Residencies are open to any artist interested in developing their work with a focus on artists that are experimenting with their practice or collaborative.

As part of the ArtsCoast Residencies program, the expectation is that you will take part in the mentorship program. This program includes one-on-one and group sessions with respected local and national mentors. It will provide you with the opportunity to connect with other artists and take part in mentoring and peer dialogue.

Project 24 – Residencies

One-month residencies at 2ND Space, Nambour.

To support your residency, a contribution towards artist fees, materials and other expenses may apply. Successful artists will work collaboratively with ArtsCoast to potentially promote, document and contribute to a public outcome such as workshop, exhibition, or artist talk. 

The one month residencies will generally be located at 2nd Space, Nambour.

2ND Space Nambour is located at 131 Currie Street, Nambour. 2nd space is a beautiful spacious performance/dance studio and adjoining makers space in the heart of Nambour.

Project 24 residencies are funded by the Arts and Heritage Levy through council.

To find out more about the current program visit the 2ND Space website.


Applications are currently close for the 2023/24 Project24 residency program. Keep up to date with future opportunities in the arts on the Sunshine Coast by subscribing to our mailing list.

If you would like more information, please email [email protected].