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How do I use Development.i?

How do I use Development.i?

A series of instruction videos and guides have been created to explain how to use the features of Development.i, information covers:

  • searching a specific application
  • searching a specific property and dropping a pin
  • how to find applications using the map and filters
  • saving searches and alerts
  • managing your saved searches/alerts, and
  • using on a mobile device.

For more information, refer to Development.i - how to use.

Do I need to register or log in to use Development.i?

Do I need to register or log in to use Development.i?

Development.i allows you to search and retrieve property and application details without the need to use the log in feature.

However, the system provides you with the ability to save:

  • searches that you perform
  • favourite properties or applications that you are interested in, and
  • receive email alerts based on these settings.

To do this, you will need to create and log in to your MyCouncil account to manage these saved searches and alerts.

For a video on how to use the log in, saved searches and alert features, refer to Development.i - how to use.

Can I use Development.i on my mobile device?

Can I use Development.i on my mobile device?

Yes. Development.i is a fully responsive website that can work on a desktop, tablet or mobile. You can create a shortcut to the website on your mobile device. For more information, refer to Development.i - how to use.

How can I lodge a submission or comment on an application?

How can I lodge a submission or comment on an application?

Submissions or comments can be received on certain applications types by clicking on the "Make a Submission or Comment" link in the top right hand corner of the application details screen in Development.i. For more information, refer to making submissions on applications.

I can see my neighbour is doing building work on their property, how can I find out if they have approval?

I can see my neighbour is doing building work on their property, how can I find out if they have approval?

Council oversees development on the Sunshine Coast in accordance with the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014. Under the scheme, applicants may need approval for certain developments.

The requirements for triggering a building or development application on any given site varies depending on a number of factors, including:

  • zoning of the site
  • type and extent of work e.g. extensions, new house, secondary dwelling
  • whether the proposal complied with the relevant acceptable outcomes of the dwelling house code under the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014, and/or
  • whether any mapped overlays apply to the site.

Depending on the scenario, a proposal may only require assessment by a private certifier, who then submits approval details to council when complete.

However, a proposal may also require assessment by council against the provisions of the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.

All applications on the system provide basic information, such as application number, address, description of proposal and assessment status, however, documents and plans are only published for core development applications in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act 2016.

For privacy, security and copyright reasons, documents and plans are not published for private certification building approvals and plumbing applications. If you are seeking this information, general building and plumbing approval extracts, certificates and compliance can be obtained through a formal property search and payment of relevant search fees. For more information, refer to property searches.

Can I filter my results by using a "key word" rather than one of the preset filters?

Can I filter my results by using a "key word" rather than one of the preset filters?

Development.i does not provide a key word search option. Instead, it provides expanded filter options including "Application Use" and "Application Level of Assessment", with the aim of providing an easier to use system and more accurate results.

If there is a specific filter option that you would like to see in the system, provide feedback and it will be considered by council.

Can I get a list of all the secondary dwelling applications lodged in the Sunshine Coast local government area?

Can I get a list of all the secondary dwelling applications lodged in the Sunshine Coast local government area?

It is very difficult to get filtered search results for secondary dwellings, as it may trigger many different application types, depending on the specific scenario.

Secondary dwellings (commonly known as a 'granny flat' or 'annexed unit') are defined in the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 as:

"A dwelling used in conjunctions with, and subordinate to, a dwelling house on the same lot. A secondary dwelling may constructed under a dwelling house, be attached to a dwelling house or be freestanding."

A proposal's need for a building or development application is dependent on the site zoning and overlays and proposal's compliance with the dwelling house code requirements in the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.

For this reason, secondary dwellings can be recorded within many different application types in the system, including:

  • private building certification
  • material change of use
  • development permits for building works, or
  • concurrence agency referrals.

It is recommended that if you are looking for secondary dwelling applications in the Sunshine Coast local government area, that you keep your search filters broad.

Note: a secondary dwelling is not the same as a dual occupancy e.g. duplex, which is separately defined in the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.