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Lake Currimundi dynamics study

Council is looking to develop an integrated management plan for Lake Currimundi and its waterways.

Lake Currimundi dynamics study

Lake Currimundi is a coastal lagoon (a partly enclosed area of seawater) that is generally open to the ocean. Three canals form part of the tidal areas of the lake. Lake Currimundi has also been connected to the man-made Lake Kawana.

The Griffith Centre for Coastal Management Research completed a study of the lake in January 2010. Council has reviewed the study’s recommendations in partnership with other stakeholders, including the Currimundi Catchment Care Group and Friends of Currimundi Lake.

The study addresses a range of issues. It uses current information and data obtained during fieldwork. The study supports an adaptive approach to lake management. As lake management programs are completed, the results will help with further improvements.

Lake Currimundi dynamics study (final report) volume 1

Part 1 (PDF, 4047KB)

Part 2 (PDF, 2852KB)

Lake Currimundi dynamics study (appendices) volume 2

Part 1 (PDF, 2154KB)

Part 2 (PDF, 4432KB)

Part 3 (PDF, 3748KB)

Lake Currimundi dynamics studyRecommendations (PDF, 53KB)

Currimundi lake closure

The closure of Currimundi lake as part of the midge management program has been carried out by council on an as needs basis since 2005. Council performs works to close Currimundi lake in spring to be in sync with the most desirable part of the lunar cycle and biting midge larval levels:


For more information, please contact council to speak with the community catchment partnerships manager.