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Caloundra Aerodrome is home to a number of businesses. As well as aviation related services, the airport offers tourist attractions including skydiving, scenic flights and a museum.

Air BP

Air BP

Phone: (07) 3364 7161
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.airbp.com.au


Aircraft Maintenance Specialists

Aircraft Maintenance Specialists

Phone: (07) 5491 6819
Fax: (07) 5491 8010
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.ams99.com.au 


Australian Air Force Cadets 223 Squadron

Australian Air Force Cadets 223 Squadron

Phone: (07) 5492 5278
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.aafc.or




GoFly Aviation

GoFly Aviation

Phone: (07) 5341 8125
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.goflyaviation.com.au


Heli Mods

Heli Mods

Phone: (07) 5491 7990
Fax: (07) 5491 9626
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.helimods.com

Omni Executive Aerospace

Omni Executive Aerospace

Phone: (07) 5491 4802
Emal: [email protected]
Web: www.omniexe.com/aerospace/

Queensland Air Museum

Queensland Air Museum

Phone / Fax: (07) 5492 5930
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.qam.com.au

Sunshine Coast Skydivers

Sunshine Coast Skydivers

Phone: (07) 5437 0211
Mob: 0418 776 775
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.sunshinecoastskydivers.com.au

Westpac Life Saver Helicopter Rescue Service Caloundra

Westpac Life Saver Helicopter Rescue Service Caloundra

Leasing enquiries

For information on leasing and commercial opportunities at Caloundra Aerodrome, please contact council’s Property Management Branch by email: [email protected]

Queensland Air Museum

The Queensland Air Museum is a popular tourist attraction.
It has over 40 aircraft on display, including:

  • an F-111 fighter jet
  • a GAF Canberra bomber
  • a DHC-4 Caribou 
  • many smaller military and civilian aircraft.  

More than 15,000 people visit the Queensland Air Museum each year. It is open 10am-4pm every day.