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Council runs citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs.

Around 2000–2300 Sunshine Coast residents become Australian citizens every year. 

Citizenship Ceremonies for 2025 will be held on:

  • Friday, 26 January 2024
  • Tuesday, 23 April 2024
  • Friday, 5 July 2024
  • Tuesday, 17 September 2024
  • Sunday, 26 January 2025.

Attending your citizenship ceremony

You will be eligible to attend a citizenship ceremony when you have:

  • completed your application process with the Department of Home Affairs
  • received your letter of approval from the Minister of Immigration and Border Protection.

Contact the Department of Home Affairs for your ceremony details on 131 881 or [email protected]

To become an Australian citizen you will need to attend a citizenship ceremony and make the pledge.

A citizenship ceremony consists of:

  • reading the minister’s message
  • Mayor’s welcome
  • citizenship preamble
  • citizenship pledges
  • the Australian national anthem
  • presentation of citizenship certificates.

Frequently asked questions

I have received my letter of approval. When can I attend a ceremony?

I have received my letter of approval. When can I attend a ceremony?

The Department of Home Affairs send an approved candidate list to council approximately six weeks prior to a ceremony. You can usually expect to be invited to a ceremony within six months of your application approval (waiting times can vary). Council does not have information specific to your application and all enquiries are directed to the Department of Home Affairs.

Department of Home Affairs

Telephone: 131 880

email: [email protected]

How long will I have to wait before I get an invitation to my ceremony?

How long will I have to wait before I get an invitation to my ceremony?

Invitations are sent out approximately five to six weeks prior to a ceremony. If an approved candidate does not receive an invitation it may indicate that the candidate just missed the cut off date for that ceremony. If this is the case, the recipient will most likely be sent an invitation to the next ceremony.

Do I need to attend a ceremony to become a citizen?

Do I need to attend a ceremony to become a citizen?

Yes. Candidates cannot become citizens unless they have attended a ceremony and verbally made the Pledge.

Do children need to attend citizenship ceremonies?

Do children need to attend citizenship ceremonies?

Children under 16 years will receive an invitation to attend but do not legally have to be at a ceremony to if their parent is attending. Children over 16 years will have to apply for citizenship separately and are required to attend a ceremony.

Where are the ceremonies held?

Where are the ceremonies held?

Ceremonies are held across the Sunshine Coast region.

What if I can't attend the next ceremony?

What if I can't attend the next ceremony?

Candidates who do not attend their allocated citizenship ceremonies will have their applications returned to the pool of applicants and will be invited to the next available ceremony.

Is it possible to have my ceremony bought forward to an earlier ceremony?

Is it possible to have my ceremony bought forward to an earlier ceremony?

The Department of Home Affairs are the approving authority to bring forward a recipient to an earlier ceremony, each case is individually assessed by the Department of Home Affairs to determine if your case meets the requirements to have your ceremony amended. You will need to contact the Department of Home Affairs to apply for your ceremony to be brought forward.

Department of Home Affairs

Telephone: 131 880

email: [email protected]

Is it possible to arrange a private ceremony?

Is it possible to arrange a private ceremony?

The Department of Home Affairs are the approving authority to bring forward a recipient to a private ceremony, each case is individually assessed by the Department of Home Affairs to determine if your case meets the requirements of a private ceremony. Council can only arrange private ceremonies under direction of the Department of Home Affairs.

Department of Home Affairs

Telephone: 131 880

Email: [email protected]

How long does a citizenship ceremony take

How long does a citizenship ceremony take

Allow approximately 2.5 hours from the time of registration to ceremony conclusion.

What is the dress code?

What is the dress code?

Smart casual or traditional dress.

What do I need to bring with me to the ceremony?

What do I need to bring with me to the ceremony?

You must bring valid photo identification – a current Australian Drivers Licence or valid passport are ideal.

When can I apply for an Australian passport?

When can I apply for an Australian passport?

You must attend a citizenship ceremony and make the pledge before you can apply for an Australian passport. Your original citizenship certificate is necessary when applying.

Contact the Australian Passport Office for more information.

Web address: https://www.passports.gov.au/

Telephone: 131 232