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About ParkSmart

About ParkSmart

Why is council trialling this technology?

The Sunshine Coast region is forecast to grow to over 500,000 people by 2041. The planning to manage increased parking demand is essential to ensure the region’s natural environment and centres remain accessible and attractive.

Regulated parking:

  • improves road safety
  • improves traffic flow
  • maximises access to high demand areas such as beaches, parks and business precincts by encouraging turnover of vehicles.

What is the ParkSmart vehicle?

The hybrid vehicle is fitted with number plate recognition technology including cameras. It features a computer, high speed cameras and GPS to support its purpose to capture data to confirm if motorists are following parking regulations.

What does it do?

The vehicle monitors parking under Queensland road rules and Sunshine Coast Council’s local laws.

The hybrid vehicle drives through multiple locations on the Sunshine Coast photographing number plates. The ParkSmart vehicle monitors timed parking, paid parking, loading zones, no stopping areas and other similar offences. A council officer will verify the data collected by the vehicle, and if appropriate, an infringement notice will be issued and mailed to the registered vehicle owner. It is expected that an infringement notice would be issued within five-eight business days. (business days are Mon-Fri)

Parking officers will continue to conduct foot patrols across the Sunshine Coast to ensure parking opportunities are shared across the community.

Does ParkSmart work in poor light and the rain?

ParkSmart will operate in all weather conditions.

Will the ParkSmart vehicle know if I have moved my vehicle?

Yes, it is anticipated that motorists will come and go from restricted parking areas - the system is able to use GPS and cameras to determine whether a vehicle has moved from a time restricted area. Under State law a motorist is required to leave the street or the car park at the expiration of the time indicated by the parking signs. This law requires that you leave the street or car park to provide an opportunity for others to utilise the parking space. You are able to return to the street and use the same parking space, so long as you have provided the opportunity for someone else to use the available parking. Please ensure you move your vehicle when you have reached the time limit.

How is privacy being managed?

Information will be stored in accordance with council’s privacy policy which aligns with legislation.

How will council map the targeted areas?

The ParkSmart vehicle will drive through a suburb and through its cameras identify parking signage present in the street. The data is confirmed through GPS and is then mapped into a software program to enable parking offences to be detected.

About parking

About parking

Why does council regulate parking?

Council undertakes regulated parking patrols to support the local business community and to respond to community calls for service in high volume, high demand areas across the Sunshine Coast. Regulation of parking encourages the turnover of vehicles thereby creating parking opportunities and allows equitable and safe access to various locations across our region.

Outside of these business and service areas, council patrols in response to complaints from the community. In these instances, council parking officers will initially provide information and education before considering issuing an infringement, unless there is an immediate safety issue which needs to be addressed.

What is the role of a parking officer?

Council’s regulated parking officers play an important role in creating a safe and accessible environment for motorists and pedestrians. Regulated parking officers address parking in accordance with the Queensland road rules and Sunshine Coast Council local laws.

How do I report illegal parking?

To report illegal parking:

  • visit council’s website and select ‘request a council service online’
  • email council at [email protected]
  • contact council on 07 5475 7272.

Please ensure you include the following information: registration number, vehicle colour, make, model, and location of the illegal parking.

Parking infringements

Parking infringements

How long will it take to receive a parking infringement and pay it?

If an infringement is confirmed a notice will be issued and mailed to the registered vehicle owner. It is expected that an infringement notice would be issued within 5-8 business days (business days are Monday-Friday).

The time to make a payment, or select another option is 28 days. This is based on the date of the infringement notice being issued, not the date of the offence occurring.

What can I do if I disagree with a parking fine?

Your options to resolve an infringement are provided on the infringement notice.

If there are extenuating circumstances (i.e. medical emergency, vehicle malfunction or other extenuating circumstances), you may request a review of your infringement notice. Information to request a review of an infringement can be found on the Infringement notices and payments page.

Disability parking permit

Disability parking permit

I have a disability parking permit, what are the rules for parking on the Sunshine Coast?

You must display your disability parking permit to park for free in any metered parking bays within the Sunshine Coast Council area:

  • where the time limit on a sign is less than 30 minutes, parking is allowed for up to 30 minutes
  • where the time limit on a sign is 30 minutes or more, no time limit applies.

Red disability parking permits apply to off-street parking bays (such as those in shopping centres) and do not apply to on-street parking.