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View a full list of fees and charges or download the Waste and Resource Management List (PDF, 254KB) of the most common waste charges.


  • A general waste truck makes collections in a residential area.

    Council provides a weekly domestic general waste collection service to Sunshine Coast residents. Find out what you can put in your waste bin and when it is collected.

  • A recycling waste truck makes collections in a residential area.

    Council provides a fortnightly recycling collection service to coast residents and commercial customers. Find out what you can place in your recycling bin.

  • JJ Richards rubbish truck fitted with front forks for picking up a commercial size recycling bin.

    Applications for new permanent commercial waste bins, or changes to an existing commercial waste bin service, must be made by completing an application form.

  • Public waste and recycle bins

    Report a damaged or overflowing waste bin in a park, playground or public area.