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These messages are for all pet owners, non-pet owners, families and children to learn more about creating a safe and harmonious co-existence between people, pets and places.

For more information about where to exercise your dog, whether your pet’s registration is up to date or a question about barking dogs you can visit our pop-up booths at various locations all year round.

Dog safety tips

These tips will help everyone to enjoy being out and about on the Sunshine Coast.

Remember leash, tag and bag – before you walk

By remembering to bring your leash, council registration tag and poo bags when walking your dogs you can keep them safe and keep our region clean. Also, if your dog does happen to get lost the tag will allow the council to make sure they get home quickly and safely. 

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Protect your mate, lock the gate

Having a secure yard will help keep your pets safe at home. If a dog does escape their yard, they may end up roaming near dangerous busy roads. We can prevent accidents from happening by remembering to ‘protect your mate, lock the gate’.

Share the space, keep each other safe

We all share the same foot paths, cycle paths and open spaces. Let’s make sure everyone feels safe and welcome in these spaces by keeping your dogs on-leash (in on-leash areas) and not allowing them to interfere with other people who may be enjoying the space in their own way.

Take it slow before you say ‘hello’

It’s polite to ask first! Not all dogs are friendly and not all people love dogs. When approaching a dog it’s important to remember to ask the owner if you, your child or your dog is allowed to say ‘hello’. If the owner says no, that’s okay.  If they say yes, take it slow and let the dog come visit you or your dog, even the friendliest dog can get scared if we rush things.

  1. Teach your kids to ask a parent or guardian if they can pat the dog
  2. Ask the dog owner if you can pat the dog
  3. Let the dog come to you and sniff you hand by your side
  4. Pat dog gently on the back or shoulder

Respect our place, give wildlife space

What a wonderful place we live in, beautiful beaches and an amazing variety of local wildlife. It’s everyone’s job to take care of the creatures we share our space with.

Keep our wildlife safe and happy by:

  • keeping cats in a secure area such as a house or a run
  • making sure our dogs are on a lead when around wildlife like kangaroos, koalas, snakes, platypus
  • respecting the space of nesting turtles or shorebirds.

For more tips see the “Leave It” programme.