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Read more about feral deer and their impacts.

Council employs qualified and experienced feral deer officers that work with landholders to manage feral deer on their properties.

Target species

Feral rusa deer (Cervus timorensis), Feral fallow deer (Dama dama), Feral red deer (Cervus elaphus).


Ongoing (in response to community feedback)


Control activities are undertaken in rural and semi-rural areas of the Mary River and Stanley River catchment. Control may also be undertaken in areas of confirmed sighting in the Pumicestone Passage, Maroochy and Mooloolah River catchments.

Get involved

If you would like your property to be part of the feral deer program, please contact council.

Protection measures

Field shooting

Field shooting
  • A risk assessment is undertaken prior to commencement of feral deer control
  • All neighbouring properties within 300m of an approved control property are notified prior to scheduled control activities
  • Thermal technology is used in targeted field shooting
  • Control activities are conducted by qualified and experience feral deer officers who operate under council’s policies and procedures in line with animal welfare and humane control.


  • Thermal technology and time-lapse cameras are used to monitor feral deer activity
  • Thermal surveys are conducted three times per year to determine effectiveness of control program.

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