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Since its formation over 15 years ago, the Petrie Creek Catchment Care Group (PCCCG) has been working towards the restoration of the Petrie Creek catchment to a stable and self-sustaining natural resource through weeding and revegetation works. The group also promotes an understanding of catchment care through education and awareness activities.

In early 2015, PCCCG was awarded a Queensland Government everyone’s environment grant to the value of $24,550. As we near the end of 2016, this grant has now been successfully implemented. The grant was integral in advancing restoration works over 3 sites - Gulung Gung (Quota Park extension) and Namba Creek in Nambour, and Florabunda Pocket in Woombye. Large camphor laurel trees and other woody weeds were removed and the surrounding areas were revegetated.

Volunteers contributed to these impressive statistics:

  • 3,500 plants established
  • 1.24 hectares revegetated
  • 1.56 hectares weeded
  • 1,600kg of litter removed
  • 138 cubic metres of mulch spread
  • 227 volunteers participated in 62 working bees
  • and 2 large events held.

Post grant, the restoration of Petrie Creek catchment will continue through PCCCG and council’s community nature conservation (CNC) Program. Volunteers and interested local residents aim to improve habitat for local fauna including platypus, microbat, frog, butterfly and bird species while improving in-stream habitat and water quality.

There are several sites active in the Nambour region that operate under the CNC scheme and we are always keen to have new volunteers at our working bees. There are plenty of advantages such as good outdoor fun, free exercise and the satisfaction of helping with the improvement of our environment. Working bees are held every month at each site. More details are available on the Petrie Creek Catchment Care Group’s website Petrie Creek Catchment Care Group ‘projects’ and Sunshine Coast Council’s community nature conservation program.