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Information about amendments to the former Maroochy Plan 2000 can be viewed in the list of all amendments (PDF, 51KB).

The following is a list of adopted amendments to the former Maroochy Plan 2000, after December 2006. The amendments are listed in chronological order.

Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Amendment 24 - effective from 16 September 2013

Amendment 24 - effective from 16 September 2013

Amendment no.24 (16 September 2013)

On 22 August 2013 council adopted amendment no.24 to Maroochy Plan 2000. The adopted amendment will have effect on and from 16 September 2013.

The purpose and general effect of the planning scheme amendment is to allow for the inclusion of a priority infrastructure plan into Maroochy Plan 2000. Priority infrastructure plans provide information related to the trunk infrastructure needed to service existing and future development. They cover trunk infrastructure networks for

  • transport
  • parks
  • land for community facilities
  • stormwater
  • water supply
  • sewerage networks.

They set the desired standards of service for each infrastructure network and planning for future infrastructure.

Start of the amendment

The amendment came into effect on 16 September 2013.

Amendment 20 - effective from 24 October 2011

Amendment 20 - effective from 24 October 2011

Amendment no.20 (24 October 2011)

On 19 October 2011 council adopted amendment no.20 to Maroochy Plan 2000. The adopted amendment will have effect on and from 24 October 2011.

The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to:

  • include certain land in Sandalwood Lane/Old Maroochydore Road and certain land in Mons Road in the business and industry precinct
  • include land used for educational purposes by the Sunshine Coast Grammar School in the special purpose precinct (excluding environmentally constrained land)
  • include land at 286-300 Mons Road in part in the business and industry precinct and in part in the special purpose precinct (retirement village)
  • identify a new link road between Sunshine Coast Grammar School and Mons Road over 286-300 Mons Road
  • include part of land at 134-158 Parsons Road in the special purpose precinct (retirement village), excluding land identified as having significant vegetation
  • include the existing commercial centre in the local centre precinct.

Commencement of the amendments

The amendment came into effect on 24 October 2011.

Amendment 23 - effective from 8 August 2011

Amendment 23 - effective from 8 August 2011

Amendment no.23 (8 August 2011)

On 2 August 2011 council adopted amendment no.23 to Maroochy Plan 2000. The adopted amendment will have effect on and from 8 August 2011.

The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to allow a community residence (example hospice) as defined in the instruments to provide palliative care in the residential and rural precincts.

Community residence is defined as any dwelling used for accommodation for a maximum of 6 persons who require assistance or support with daily living needs, share communal spaces and who may be unrelated. The use may include a resident support worker engaged or employed in the management of the residence.

The use will be self-assessable in the residential and rural precincts listed in the instruments.

Commencement of the amendments

The adopted amendment came into effect on 8 August 2011.

Administrative amendments - effective from 25 May 2011

Administrative amendments - effective from 25 May 2011

Administrative amendments (25 May 2011)

On 27 April 2011 council adopted administrative amendments to Maroochy Plan 2000. The adopted amendments came into effect on 25 May 2011.

The purpose and general effect of the amendments is to clarify and correct the assessment requirements that apply to certain uses within the recently adopted amendments to Maroochy Plan 2000, being:

  • amendment no. 15/16 (commenced 25 October 2010)
  • Maroochydore PAC structure plan amendments (commenced 17 December 2010).

Also, the amendments clarify other provisions in the plan. The changes are administrative and consistent with the original intent of the above mentioned amendments.

Start of the amendments

The adopted amendment came into effect on 25 May 2011.

Amendment 22 - Yandina east industrial - effective from 31 January 2011

Amendment 22 - Yandina east industrial - effective from 31 January 2011

Amendment no.22 (31 January 2011)

On 24 January 2011, council adopted amendment no.22 (Yandina east industrial) to Maroochy Plan 2000. The adopted amendments came into effect on 31 January 2011.

The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to:

  • change the precinct class in part, on certain land in Yandina east from sustainable cane lands to business and industry
  • introduce a new local area code 7.6 - Yandina east industrial to address development of the site
  • make various changes to volume 1-4 to reflect the precinct class changes.

Start of the amendments

The amendment came into effect on 31 January 2011.

Maroochydore PAC structure plan and planning scheme policy - effective from 17 December 2010

Maroochydore PAC structure plan and planning scheme policy - effective from 17 December 2010

Maroochydore PAC structure plan and planning scheme policy (17 December 2010)

Council adopted the Maroochydore principal activity centre structure plan and planning scheme policy on 15 December 2010. The adopted amendments took effect on 17 December 2010.

The structure plan:

  • creates employment opportunities through the allocation of 150,000 m2 of new commercial floor space by 2031
  • allocates 65,000 m2 of new retail floor space by 2031
  • proposes 4000 new dwellings within the principal activity centre
  • retains 40 per cent of the golf course site as public open space
  • proposes significant community facilities such as a regional arts and entertainment centre, a transit plaza, regional library, public amphitheatre and civic plaza and urban open space
  • mandates sub-tropical design that embraces Maroochydore’s unique sub-tropical, coastal and waterfront qualities.

Commencement of the amendments

  • Amendment instruction sheet (PDF, 38KB)
  • Amended pages (PDF, 3051KB)  for printing and insertion into hard copies of Maroochy Plan 2000
  • Amended and new maps for printing and insertion into hard copies of Maroochy Plan 2000:

Volume 2: amended maps

Volume 3: amended map

Volume 5: new maps

The amendment came into effect on 17 December 2010.

Amendment Palmview structure plan including consequential amendments to Maroochy Plan - effective from 5 November 2010

Amendment Palmview structure plan including consequential amendments to Maroochy Plan - effective from 5 November 2010

Amendment: Palmview (5 November 2010)

Council adopted the Palmview structure plan including the Palmview structure plan planning scheme policy and consequential planning scheme amendments (as amendments to Maroochy Plan 2000 and Caloundra City Plan 2004) on 1 November 2010. These amendments took effect on 5 November 2010.

The amendments to Maroochy Plan 2000 reflect the removal of that part of Palmview contained in Maroochy Plan 2000 and inserting it instead into Caloundra City Plan 2004.

Commencement of the amendments

The amendments came into effect on 5 November 2010.

  • Amended pages (PDF, 214KB) for printing and insertion into hard copies of Maroochy Plan 2000
  • Amended maps for printing and insertion into hard copies of Maroochy Plan 2000:

Volume 1: maps

Volume 2: maps

Volume 3: maps

Volume 4: maps

Appendices: maps

The amendment came into effect on 5 November 2010.

Amendment 15 and 16 - effective from 25 October 2010

Amendment 15 and 16 - effective from 25 October 2010

Amendment no. 15 and 16 (25 October 2010)

On 6 October 2010, council adopted amendment nos. 15/16 (2010) to the Maroochy Plan 2000 planning scheme. These amendments took effect on 25 October 2010.

The purpose and general effect of the amendments is to clarify council’s provisions in the Maroochy Plan 2000 and to introduce new provisions.

Major individual amendments forming part of the amendment package are:

  • updates to:
    • the bushfire prone area regulatory map
    • the road hierarchy map in the strategic plan
    • the code for development in bushfire prone areas.
  • the inclusion of the village residential precincts of Eudlo and Woombye and the village centre of Eudlo in the areas of townscape significance
  • amendments to the traffic, transport and parking code to clarify parking provision requirements for changes of use to existing commercial buildings within centre precincts
  • amendments to the code for agriculture and animal husbandry to ensure that development subject to this code does not cause the clearing of remnant vegetation
  • the inclusion of a new code for erosion and sediment control
  • various amendments to the code for the development of detached houses and display homes, including new requirements for:
    • sites in bushfire prone areas
    • prescribed tidal works (including jetties and pontoons)
    • limitations on built to boundary walls on small lot sites
    • minimum on-site water storage requirements for detached houses in rural areas.
  • the clarification of side and rear setbacks for dual occupancy and low-rise multi-unit premises.

Start of the amendments

The adopted amendment came into effect on 25 October 2010.

Amendment order no.3 - relating to land at 9 Nye Avenue, Buderim - effective from 27 November 2009

Amendment order no.3 - relating to land at 9 Nye Avenue, Buderim - effective from 27 November 2009

Amendment: order no.3 (27 November 2009)

On 26 November 2009 Her Excellency the Governor in Council approved an order amending the Maroochy Plan 2000, a copy of which was subsequently published in the Queensland Government Gazette on 27 November 2009.

In summary, the draft amendments apply to Volume 1 tables of development assessment and volume 4 Section 1.1(2) within Maroochy Plan 2000 involving additions to the tables in relation to a specific property at 9 Nye Avenue, Buderim, Lot 1 RP108407:

The original rezoning application in 2003 under the former planning scheme for Maroochy Shire sought to rezone land at 9 Nye Avenue, Buderim, Lot 1 RP108407 from rural B to residential B to permit development.

The ensuing appeal led to the order in council and subsequent gazettal of amendment (order no.3). This amendment (order no.3) enables development as shown on drawing number 9455/001-D (PDF, 1198KB) dated December 2006 to proceed by amendment of the development assessment tables listed.

Commencement of the amendments

  • Pages (PDF, 225KB) relating to this amendment for printing and insertion into hard copies of Maroochy Plan 2000.

The amendment came into effect on 27 November 2009.

Amendment 21 - amended planning scheme policy no.5 operational works - effective 11 November 2009

Amendment 21 - amended planning scheme policy no.5 operational works - effective 11 November 2009

Amendment no.21 (11 November 2009)

At the Ordinary Meeting on 29 October 2009, council adopted amendments in accordance with the requirements of schedule 3 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997. It was resolved to adopt amendments to planning scheme policy no.5 operational works included in Maroochy Plan 2000.

The purpose and general effect of the proposed amendments is to streamline council's design and construction standards for water supply and sewerage infrastructure across the planning schemes applying to the Sunshine Coast region. This amendment ensures that design and construction standards for water and sewerage infrastructure generally align with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) national standards, with exceptions for local requirements. The draft amendments include:

  • various minor amendments to ensure consistency
  • clarification of terms within the document
  • increased reference to Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) national standards
  • removal of references to Maroochy Shire and replaced with reference to 'council'
  • expectations sought by council have been clarified within each document where appropriate
  • consistent, standardised easement widths contained within each policy. The requirement is for 3m wide easements for sewers less than 3m deep and 4m wide easements for sewers in excess of 3m deep.

Commencement of the amendments

  • Amended pages (PDF, 606KB) of planning scheme policy no.5 for printing and insertion into hard copies of Maroochy Plan 2000.

The amendment came into effect on 11 November 2009.

Amendment 13 - Sippy Downs town centre master plan and new planning scheme policy no.11 - effective 9 February 2009

Amendment 13 - Sippy Downs town centre master plan and new planning scheme policy no.11 - effective 9 February 2009

Amendment no.13 (9 February 2009)

On 4 December 2008, council adopted Maroochy Plan 2000 amendment no.13 – Sippy Downs town centre master plan and new planning scheme policy no.11 – development in the Sippy Downs town centre.

The adopted amendment and new planning scheme policy came into effect on 9 February 2009. The amendment and new planning scheme policy apply to land within the Sippy Downs town centre core and town centre frame precincts, as defined by Maroochy Plan 2000. The adopted planning scheme amendment comprises the following:

  • Volume 1: revised table 4.5, supplementary table of development assessment for centre precincts
  • Volume 2: minor changes to section 4, retail and commerce
  • Volume 3: revised planning area and precinct intent provisions for planning area 3 – Sippy Downs
  • Volume 4: new code 7.3 to replace the existing code 7.3 code for development in the Sippy Downs town centre.

The electronic version of Maroochy Plan 2000 has been updated to include the amendment and new policy.

New planning scheme policy

The purpose of the new planning scheme policy is to:

  1. identify methods of compliance with the provisions of code 7.3, code for development in the Sippy Downs town centre
  2. provide guidance on council’s policy intent in relation to development in the Sippy Downs town centre
  3. identify information that council may request to allow a development application to be properly assessed
  4. assist the assessment of development applications by council.

Drawing series 9366

Sippy Downs town centre integrated water management plan (IWMP)

As referred to in section 9 (integrated water management) of the planning scheme policy, a number of design drawings and sections comprise the Sippy Downs town centre IWMP. These drawings are available below and as drawing series 9366 from the Development.i website.

  • SK01 (PDF, 465KB) water management plan west
  • SK02 (PDF, 391KB) water management east
  • SK03 (PDF, 330KB) layout plan
  • SK04 (PDF, 145KB) stormwater concept longitudinal sections (line 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3)
  • SK05 (PDF, 137KB) stormwater concept longitudinal sections (line 4, 5, 6 and 7)
  • SK06 (PDF, 122KB) buffer zone swale indicative section (including Forest Park West Swale)
  • SK07 (PDF, 94KB) high flow bypass indicative section.

Effect of amendment and policy

The purpose and general effect of the amendment and new planning scheme policy is to:

  • implement the revised Sippy Downs town centre master plan within Maroochy Plan 2000
  • ensure that future development within the town centre complies with the master plan.

More information

The amendment came into effect on 9 February 2009.

Amendment 15 and 16 - amended planning scheme policies no. 4, 5 and 6 - effective from 30 September 2008

Amendment 15 and 16 - amended planning scheme policies no. 4, 5 and 6 - effective from 30 September 2008

Amendment no. 15 and 16 (30 September 2008)

 At its ordinary meeting of 21 August 2008, council adopted a number of planning scheme policy amendments.

The adopted planning scheme policies are:

  • Planning scheme policy no.12 - biodiversity
  • Planning scheme policy no.13 - preparation of a bushfire management plan
  • Planning scheme policy no.14 - erosion and sediment control.

The amended planning scheme policies are:

  • Planning scheme policy no.4 - preparation of geotechnical reports
  • Planning scheme policy no.5 - operational works
  • Planning scheme policy no.6 - transport, traffic and parking.

Minor amendments have also been adopted in the operational works code to refer to the new planning scheme policy no.14 – erosion and sediment control.

Council adopted the proposed amendments to:

  • outline how council will assess applications affected by the code for nature conservation and biodiversity. Also, to provide advice to applicants on how to meet the performance criteria within this code
  • advise applicants how to prepare a bushfire management plan that agrees with State planning policy 1/03: mitigating the adverse impacts of flood, bushfire and landslide
  • provide clear design guidance and technical standards for the preparation and assessment of erosion and sediment control measures
  • provide improved guidance for preparing geotechnical reports
  • introduce requirements for the bonding of landscaping works and the submission of an approved flood study as part of the plan sealing process
  • introduce an amended road hierarchy map.

Start of the amendments

The amendment came into effect on 30 September 2008.

Amendment 14 - effective from 21 April 2008

Amendment 14 - effective from 21 April 2008

Amendment no.14 (21 April 2008)

On 24 October 2007, council adopted planning scheme amendment no.14 (maintenance to Maroochy Plan 2000) – planning scheme policies in accordance with schedule 3 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997.

The purpose of the amendments is to provide more information about council’s requirements for:

  • engineering infrastructure
  • acoustic treatment of new buildings in urban areas.

Also, the amendments addressed previous council resolutions about:

  • construction of footpaths
  • individual water meters in multi-unit developments.

Start of the amendments

The amendment came into effect on 21 April 2008.

Development contribution policy amendments - effective from 30 June 2008

Development contribution policy amendments - effective from 30 June 2008

Development contribution policy amendments (30 June 2008)

At the ordinary meeting of 19 June 2008, council adopted proposed amendments to the following planning scheme policies in accordance with the requirements of schedule 3 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997.

These documents are also available in PDF format:

Note: Maps referenced in the planning scheme policies have not changed from the previous version.

The amendments to the policies involve:

  • a reduction of the water supply and sewerage demand factor rates for defined uses for some commercial and industrial uses
  • allowance for reductions in demand factor rates where is can be demonstrated that water saving/recycling initiatives can be sustainably integrated into a development
  • the introduction of a definition for a management lot including clarifying the ‘demand’ and payment times for management lots.

Start of the amendments

The amendment came into effect on 30 June 2008.

Development contribution policy amendments - effective from 1 November 2007

Development contribution policy amendments - effective from 1 November 2007

Development contribution policy amendments (1 November 2007)

At its ordinary meeting on 10 October 2007, council adopted proposed amendments to the following planning scheme policies in accordance with the requirements of schedule 3 of the Integrated Planning Act (IPA).

The amendments to the policies involve primarily a number of administrative matters and changes to clarify operational issues, in particular introducing equivalent demand rates for defined land uses, nominating those uses exempt from paying infrastructure contributions, clarifying that the minimum existing use demand entitlement is that allowed for a single detached house and extending the concessional provisions for existing uses to apply to a change of use.

Commencement of the amendments

Note: No amendments were made to the plan drawings which are included within the DC policies. The plan drawings which accompany the existing DC policies will also accompany the amended DC policies from 1 November 2007.

The amendment came into effect on 1 November 2007.

Development contribution amendments - effective from 1 December 2006

Development contribution amendments - effective from 1 December 2006

Development contribution amendments (1 December 2006)

At its ordinary meeting on 22 November 2006, council adopted amendments to the following planning scheme policies in accordance with the requirements of schedule 3 of the Integrated Planning Act (IPA).

The amendments to the policies involve changes to the unit rates (applicable to each network), by updating the construction and land costs associated with the provision of the trunk infrastructure to the revised benchmark period. In addition, a new index has been introduced to better reflect annually the actual costs in the provision of trunk infrastructure. This new index, the non-building construction index (Queensland) will replace the consumer price index and update the costs to a March 2006 benchmark.

In addition to unit rate increases and the selection of a more appropriate annual index, additional projects have been included in the roads infrastructure DC policy and the sewerage component of the water supply and sewerage infrastructure DC policy.

Amendments are also proposed to the administration provisions of the policies to clarify operational issues.

The amendment came into effect on 1 December 2006.