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Council provides two types of flood information searches relating to extracting data from our flood models. The online flood information search options on MyCouncil include:

  • primary flood data provision
  • advanced flood data provision.

These searches are normally requested by professional engineers seeking information to calibrate smaller flood model being created for a development, to match the information from council’s larger models.

Primary and advanced flood data provision searches provide information from various flood models that form the basis of council’s flood mapping.

This information includes:

  • design flood surfaces
  • flow or stage hydrographs
  • design rainfall information.

Before you submit a request for a flood data provision, please contact the flooding and stormwater management team on the email below. When we have established your requirements, we will advise if your request is a primary or advanced flood data provision. Flood data provision takes up to 20 working days to provide.

There are two ways of requesting the above flood information search products from council. These are:

Fees apply for these searches.

Cancellations and refunds

You must submit a request for cancellations (and refund) before the search request is processed.

As the application process is automated, if you would like a refund, it is best to contact the flooding and stormwater management team directly by email [email protected].


For more information, or if you have a query, please email [email protected].