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  • Beerwah Cemetery

    Closed entry gate with the words 'Beerwah Cemetery' forming part of the metal gate, two white pillars on either side and a footpath leading through the burial section to lawns and mature gardens beyond

    300 Roys Road Beerwah

    Read about other services offered at Beerwah Cemetery 

  • Caloundra Cemetery

    Mature tree shading the burial section of the Caloundra Cemetery

    Queen Street Caloundra

    Read about other services offered at Caloundra Cemetery 

  • Eumundi Cemetery

    Young trees with circular concrete garden edging

    Cnr Bunya Road and Golden Rain Lane North Arm

    Read about other services offered at Eumundi Cemetery 

  • Gheerulla Cemetery

    Driveway into cemetery, with a location sign stating 'Gheerulla Cemetery' on the left hand side of the driveway

    36–44 Moy Pocket Road Gheerulla

    Read about other services offered at Gheerulla Cemetery 

  • Mapleton Cemetery

    Burial section in foreground and ferns and forest in the background

    Delicia Road Mapleton

    Read about other services offered at Mapleton Cemetery 

  • Mooloolah Cemetery

    Closed entry gate with the words 'Mooloolah Cemetery' forming part of the metal gate, two brick pillars on either side and a footpath leading to a covered area beyond

    Steve Irwin Way Glenview

    Read about other services offered at Mooloolah Cemetery 

  • Peachester Cemetery

    A concrete pathway leads through the centre of the burial section to an arched walkway in the brick niche wall with the dense gardens and bushland beyond.

    Cemetery Road Crohamhurst

    Read about other services offered at Peachester Cemetery

  • Witta Cemetery

    Cleared gravel section with a boulder in the centre and a memorial plaque, and mature trees and gardens in the background

    Cnr Cooke and Witta roads Witta

    Read about other services offered at Witta Cemetery

  • Yandina Cemetery

    Tree lined wide concrete pathway to covered shelter - monumental section on left hand side and a shaded garden and seating area on the right side.

    Cnr Cordwell Road and Central Park Drive Yandina

    Read about other services offered at Yandina Cemetery

  • Cemetery resources

    Close up of red and yellow coloured leaves on branch.

    Forms and fact sheets relating to council cemeteries including ashes reservations, burials and installation of memorials and plaques.

    View the full list of Cemetery forms and fact sheets