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Council will list any disaster recovery activities they are working on across the Sunshine Coast below. If you require support, please visit council's 'What to do After a Disaster or Emergency' webpage.

Weather event February 2022

Financial support

Financial support

The Australian Government is offering support for eligible people adversely affected by the South East Queensland floods, including:

  • disaster recovery allowance (DRA) - a short term payment to help you if a declared disaster directly affects your income
  • disaster recovery payment - a one-off payment to help you if a declared disaster significantly affects you. It’s not for minor damage or inconvenience.

For more information, please visit the Australian Government website.

Further Queensland Government financial assistance is also available to eligible people, including:

If deemed eligible, applicants may receive $180 per person up to $900 for a family of 5 or more - essential services hardship assistance grant.

If deemed eligible, applicants may receive $150 per person, up to $750 for a family of 5 or more essential household contents grants.

Grants of up to $1765 for single adults and up to $5300 for couples/families are available (conditions apply) - structural assistance grants.

Grants of up to $10995 for single adults and up to $14685 for couples/families are available (conditions apply) - essential services safety and reconnection grants.

Covering inspection up to $200 and repairs up to $4200 (conditions apply) - transport and motoring assistance.

Visit the Queensland Government’s website for more information.

Anyone impacted by the flooding event can apply for housing assistance, including homeowners and private renters. Contact the community recovery hotline on 1800 173 349 or go to the Queensland Government disaster portal for more information.

Council emergency grants are available for not-for-profit community organisations. When insurance doesn’t cover it, not-for-profit community organisations can apply for up to $3000 to fund projects that have arisen as a consequence of failure, damage or loss of essential equipment or infrastructure due to unforeseen circumstance. Emergency grant guidelines and application forms are available on the emergency grants webpage. If you are wondering if this is the right grant for your organisation, have a look at the guidelines and contact our grants team if you have any questions about eligibility on 5420 8616.

Resources to help

Resources to help

Australian Red Cross has a range of resources to support communities following disasters. Visit the Red Cross website for resources to help with your recovery.



If community members would like to donate to those in need, please visit GIVIT’s website. GIVIT in partnership with the Queensland Government are managing donations during recovery, to help the people and communities impacted by recent flooding to give what’s needed when it’s needed. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.