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  • Waste bin calendar and a waste and recycling book sitting on top of a recycling bin.

    Use the search to find out which week your general waste, garden organics and recycle bins are collected. Collections occur between 6.00am and 6.00pm on the day of service (unless advised otherwise). Get personalised notifications for your bin days with the Sunshine Coast App.

  • At the kerbside in front of a residential house, three 240L residential waste bins are positioned.

    Council provides a weekly domestic general waste collection service, a fortnightly recycle bin service and a green waste collection service.

  • Staff member and a visitor, wearing PPE, observe the conveyor belt processing recycling items.

    Read council's fact sheets on recycling and sustainable waste management. Learn how communities and schools can get involved.

  • Illegal dumping site with hazard tape placed around rubbish.

    Council has partnered with the Department of Environment and Science to increase monitoring and identify illegal dumpers.