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Clean up for the Hatchlings is a free event run by Sunshine Coast Council in partnership with ReefCheck Australia, Unitywater, SeaLife Sunshine Coast and Noosa Council, inspiring the whole community to come together to help clean up Sunshine Coast beaches in preparation for the hatchling turtles.

The beach clean up will take place at various locations from Coolum to Bribie Island between 6am – 7am.

Following the beach clean ups, volunteers will be welcomed to weigh and sort debris, listen to guest speakers, enjoy a free BBQ and other activities at the Coopers Lookout Park, Kawana.

What to do:

  • Register to attend one of the 18 sites for the beach clean up HERE
  • Register to attend the free BBQ at Kawana.
  • Pop the date in your calendar 😊

What to bring:

  • Hat and sun safe clothes and footwear
  • We’re going for a Plastic Free event (especially single use plastics) so please bring reusable items wherever possible (eg. Water bottle, coffee cup, and gloves)
  • We will have reusable gloves available and clean up bags for your use at each location.

Event schedule for the day:

  • 6am – 7am – meet at your chosen beach to clean it up. Registrations essential
  • 8am – 10am – thank-you event at Coopers Lookout Park, Pacific Blvd, Buddina, which includes:
  • Free barbeque for clean up participants
  • Kids activities corner
  • Educational stalls
  • Presentations and talks.

Clean up locations and beach access (BA) points include PLEASE REGISTER HERE:

  • Coolum (meet at BA 72)
  • Point Arkwright (meet at BA 85)
  • Marcoola (BA 104)
  • North Shore (meet at the hut in park at end of North Shore Rd, Twin Waters)
  • Cotton Tree Park (meet at the corner of Second Ave and the Esplanade)
  • Mooloolaba beach (meet at SeaLife)
  • Buddina (meet at BA201 – beachside of Pacific Blvd)
  • Coopers Lookout park (meet at BA 224)
  • Warana 1 (meet at BA 232 – John Hotton Park)
  • Warana 2 (meet at BA 237 – Neisler Park)
  • Bokarina (meet at BA 241, Satinbird Park)
  • Wurtulla (meet at BA248, Dorothy Anderson Park)
  • Currimundi (meet at the end of Buderim St)
  • Dicky Beach (meet at the park at BA 267)
  • Moffat Beach (meet in Eleanor Shipley Park)
  • Shelly Beach (meet at Victoria Terrace car park)
  • Happy Valley (meet at beach access 296)
  • North Bribie Island (meet at beach access 293)

Thank-you for being a turtle friendly community and remember, every day is a clean up day.