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It has been five years since Turia Pitt made headlines for miraculously surviving a terrifying ordeal in the Australian desert.

We have all been left in awe about the details of that fateful day in September 2011 and her long and determined road to recovery.

Here is your chance to meet the inspirational bushfire survivor and author at Sunshine Coast Libraries’ author talk at council’s Maroochydore Library from 6.30pm to 8.30pm on Tuesday, April 18.

Turia was competing in an ultramarathon through Western Australia's Kimberley region in 2011 when she was caught in a bushfire.

The fire left her with burns to 65% of her body and had four fingers from her left hand and her right thumb amputated.

Turia was named the New South Wales Premier's Award for Woman of the Year 2014, and was a finalist for Young Australian of the Year.

She is an ambassador for Interplast Australia and New Zealand, and has graced the cover of numerous magazines.

In 2016, Turia completed her first Ironman Australia competition and completed the Ironman World Championship at Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

Turia will provide an insight into her new non-fiction release, Unmasked, which is an intimate account that reveals the woman behind the headlines proving how determination and humility assisted her remarkable survival.

Joining her as special guest MC is acclaimed Australian editor, journalist and co-author Bryce Corbett.

This special literary event is part of a series of Sunshine Coast Libraries author talks hosted at various locations across the region.

Turia’s books will be available for purchase on the night.

This evening will be one not-to-be-missed and will include live entertainment by the soulful sounds of talented local singer and songwriter Andrea Kirwin.

Light refreshments will be provided and a there will be a cash wine bar.

Tickets are $25 per person and bookings are a must via council’s library website.

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