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Sunshine Coast Council is inviting submissions on a proposed Interim Amendment to the current Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP).

Council Group Executive Debra Robinson said the current LGIP formed part of theSunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014.

“Even though council is preparing a new planning scheme, including a new LGIP, amendments are required to the current LGIP to ensure that it remains up to date and operates effectively,” Ms Robinson said.

In brief, the proposed amendment will include:

  • an update to the currency and relevance of the projects listed in the schedule of works to reflect projects constructed during the 2016-2021 period
  • an update to the timing and costings of projects planned for 2021-2031
  • additional stormwater quantity network projects being added to the schedule of works (as identified from recently completed master drainage studies)
  • consolidation of co-located sports and recreational parks into Recreation and Sport Precincts.

“The basic structure of the LGIP is not being changed,” Ms Robinson said.

“The proposed amendment will also include small updates to editorial matters to improve clarity and efficiency of the current LGIP, and an update of LGIP maps consistent with changes proposed to the schedule of works projects.

“All other elements of the LGIP remain unchanged including the Priority Infrastructure Area and planning assumptions.”

The current LGIP is an overarching document that essentially outlines where required trunk infrastructure* will be delivered, when it will be delivered and how it will be delivered.

Further information, including how to make a submission regarding the proposed Interim LGIP Amendment, can be found on council’s Have Your Say website.

A new LGIP will form part of the new planning scheme and residents can stay informed by subscribing to project updates and participating in future consultation activities.

The Queensland Government’s Minister’s Guidelines and Rules set out the process that council must follow when amending an existing LGIP.

_*Trunk infrastructure is higher-level infrastructure that is often shared between multiple developments. In the LGIP it includes infrastructure for the following infrastructure networks – transport, stormwater, public parks and land for community facilities._Trunk infrastructure funding is normally shared between developers and council. Developers are usually responsible for funding non-trunk infrastructure (infrastructure not shared with other developments and normally internal to a development site).

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