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Sunshine Coast Council has approved a major extension to the Kawana Shoppingworld which will add a cinema with up to 10 screens, more specialty stores and around 750 additional carparks to one of the Coast’s main shopping centres.

Planning and Development Portfolio holder Cr Christian Dickson said the development would occur in two stages and would start with additional car parking.

“This is an exciting time for everyone associated with Kawana Shoppingworld and I’m sure the locals especially will appreciate the extra entertainment, shopping and service options that will be coming to their area,” Cr Dickson said.

“It will certainly create a buzz around Kawana and the jobs created by the construction will be a welcome boost to our building sector.”

The development consent allows for a staged redevelopment, with the first stage comprising of a 6000m2 multi-screen cinema complex, to be located off Pt Cartwright Drive at the northern end of the site, additional restaurants and, ultimately, over 5200m2 of specialty stores.

The second stage proposes an approximate further 6800m2 increase to the gross floor area of the shopping complex and includes an additional major tenant and further specialty retail.

There will be additional covered above-ground car parking added in both stages.

Division 4 Councillor John Connolly said the expansion is expected to lead to more than 200 new retail jobs when complete, with significant employment opportunities for locals during the construction phase.

“The Kawana Shoppingworld has progressed substantially in recent years and our thanks go to Mirvac for the faith and confidence they continue to show in the Sunshine Coast,” Cr Connolly said.

“There’s no doubt this expansion is going to be very much welcomed by everyone in the area and I look forward to enjoying a trip to the movies when the cinema doors are open.”

Mirvac’s Senior Development Manager, Retail, Robert Beck, said the success of the recently completed development at Kawana demonstrated a demand for further amenity that will better serve the evolving needs of the local community.

“The proposed future enhancements will improve the leisure, dining and shopping offer, while generating additional employment opportunities, reducing travel times and encouraging positive social outcomes for both the local people and visitors to the Sunshine Coast,” Mr Beck said.

“This is a very exciting time for our customers and we look forward to providing further updates as our planning progresses.”

Having received development consent, Mirvac is now reviewing the schedule of works to ensure that the project is delivered with minimal impact to the existing centre.

Mirvac’s application was lodged in November 2015 under the superseded Caloundra City Plan 2004.

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