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Coastal Pathway: Golden Beach Esplanade

A perfect adventure for all the family these school holidays – walk, ride or scooter alongside the gorgeous Pumicestone Passage waterway.


The coastal pathway is accessible and suitable for families and all age groups.


Beginning at the Short St boat ramp, there are a number of car parking spaces available and toilet facilities. The beach view bench seats provide a terrific sweeping view of the Caloundra end of the passage and glimpses of the walk to come.

The walk continues alongside the Pumicestone Passage and passes several playgrounds, picnic tables and facilities perfect for resting or refueling along the way. There are also numerous beach access points to walk along the sand or test the water temperature! Or the kids may just enjoy playing and climbing on the twisted tree branches that hug the water’s edge.

For those interested in fishing, the passage is a haven for local fishermen, with many jetties and rocks to cast a line from.

The turnaround point is the Bells Creek Boat Ramp, which features green space, toilet facilities and shelter for a half-way recharge.

Golden Beach Esplanade
Golden Beach Esplanade
Golden Beach Esplanade
Golden Beach Esplanade


If you haven’t already stopped at one of the cafes along the way, make your way into Bulcock St, Caloundra or Kings Beach and explore the many places to dine, shop and relax.

How to get there 

Via Nicklin Way, turn left onto Caloundra Rd which turns into Bowman St. Turn right onto Park Pl and Short St is on your left.


Golden Beach Esplanade trail
Golden Beach Esplanade

For more than 250 walking, running, paddling, cycling, mountain-biking and horse-riding trails across our region #chooseyournextadventure at Adventure Sunshine Coast adventure.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.

For those who wish to take a dog on their adventures – be sure to check out Council’s handy interactive off leash dog map to help identify the current dog off-leash, on-leash and prohibited areas - https://pets.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/

Golden Beach Esplanade trail
Golden Beach Esplanade trail
Golden Beach Esplanade trail
Golden Beach Esplanade trail
Golden Beach Esplanade trail