Be a park influencer and help shape future
Here’s an opportunity to help shape the future for a well-used neighbourhood park on the Sunshine Coast.
Based on community feedback and vision for improving Glenfields Neighbourhood Park in Mountain Creek, Sunshine Coast Council has prepared a draft landscape plan, and your input is needed to finalise the plan.
The plan for this popular park on Glenfields Boulevard will guide the development of improvements while maintaining what residents and visitors value about the park.
Sunshine Coast Council Division 6 Councillor Christian Dickson said that as a district-level park, Glenfields Neighbourhood Park played a pivotal role in the Glenfields Estate.
“Here on the Sunshine Coast, we love getting out in the fresh air and sunshine and this park is a great spot providing space for our local community to gather and enjoy outdoor activities together,” Cr Dickson said.
“In April and May 2024, we asked you what you love about Glenfields Neighbourhood Park and what could be improved.
“We used the feedback collected from the online survey to develop a draft landscape plan for the park.
“We also asked our community about an off-leash dog exercise area in the Glenfields Estate.
“The area identified in the landscape plan was the community’s preferred choice and you also told us you wanted the dog exercise area to be fenced.
“We are now checking in to make sure we’ve got it right and that the draft landscape plan reflects the current and future needs of our local community.
“This is your last chance to provide feedback, with the landscape plan being finalised before mid-2025.
“This is another great way we’re connecting and engaging with our communities to build a better future for everyone.”
What our community wants for the park
Council received 90 survey responses for the draft landscape plan for Glenfields Neighbourhood Park.
The community shared their top five priorities for the park, which included upgrading the play space, improving security, improving drainage, providing parking and better paths, and providing an off-leash dog exercise area.
“Clearly our community wants a better playground with spaces for different age groups, additional barbecue shelters and park furniture, as well as better lighting to improve security,” Cr Dickson said.
“We also received 144 survey responses to a separate survey on Council’s Have Your Say website on an off-leash dog exercise area for the Glenfields Estate.
“With 83 per cent of respondents supporting the development of a dog exercise area in the estate, we have a strong indication of community support for this.
“The southern area of Glenfields Neighbourhood Park was the preferred location, with 53 per cent of respondents indicating this is where they would like to see the facility.
“While some people shared concerns about putting an off-leash dog exercise area in the park, the majority of those who provided feedback supported the provision of this facility.”
Help shape the final plan
Council is now seeking your feedback on the draft landscape plan for Glenfields Neighbourhood Park.
Please review the draft landscape plan and share your thoughts by completing a short online survey on Council’s Have Your Say website between Monday, January 20 and 5pm Monday, February 14, 2025.
Next steps
The community engagement findings will help Council finalise the landscape plan.
Council will present the final landscape plan to the community in April/May 2025 and will share it on Council’s Have Your Say website.
The Glenfields Neighbourhood Park project is currently unfunded and is not scheduled for construction.
Following completion of the concept design stage, Council will seek funding opportunities to progress delivery and will keep the community informed of progress.
Sunshine Coast Council is committed to providing high quality open space that supports inclusive, active and healthy communities.