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City Hall building.

Sunshine Coast residents are invited to celebrate the official opening of the new Sunshine Coast City Hall building – designed and built for the community – on Saturday, December 10.

Registrations to visit the new landmark green-star building and attend the opening celebration activities are now open. Everyone is welcome, but registration is essential so that we can safely manage tour groups throughout the day.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said the 10-storey City Hall would ultimately feature retail and community spaces, venue hire for community groups and businesses, large, open workspaces as well as communal facilities, end-of-trip facilities and green areas.

“The building has been designed to accommodate contemporary workspaces for its users, with flow on benefits in terms of provision of services to our community,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“Our community will also be able more clearly see governance in action with the Council Chamber, located on Level 1, easily accessible and visible externally to the building.

“Sunshine Coast City Hall’s top floor, offering views from the hinterland to the coastline, will, when its fit-out is completed, be for the people.

“It will be used for a wide range of council-hosted and sponsored events, citizenship ceremonies and community engagement workshops, as well as being available for hire for specified community and business events.

“From December 12, council’s Customer Contact Centre and Development Services representatives will be located on the ground floor to welcome residents and assist with any council-related enquiries such as rates, animal registration and a variety of applications.”

The City Hall building is intended to fit seamlessly into its built and natural environment and distinguishes itself as a landmark building in the new Maroochydore City Centre.

For more information, visit council’s website.

Sunshine Coast City Hall will be officially opened by Mayor Jamieson. Registration to opening activities and building tour is free, but essential. Book your spot today!

To see the history of council’s past representatives, visit https://heritage.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/Stories/Identities/Eddie-De-Vere


  • 10-storey building
  • 5-star Green Star Design and As Built accreditation target
  • 5-star NABERS accreditation target
  • The building is located at 54 First Avenue, Maroochydore.

Council’s Customer Contact Centre and Development Services representatives will be located on the ground floor to welcome residents and assist with any council-related enquiries such as rates, animal registration and a variety of applications.

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