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The Trophy Cabinet in the Chancellor State College robotics classroom may be in urgent need of a new shelf after the school’s latest success on the global stage at the FIRST Robotics Championship in Houston, Texas.

Chancellor’s ‘RoboRoyals’ were awarded 2nd Place for the Gracious Professionalism Award at the international event that involved more than 45,000 students from 40 different countries.

RoboRoyals team member and Year 12 Chancellor State College student, Sarah Eisenmenger said achieving a podium finish at the world’s largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) for school students was an enormous thrill.

“To represent the Sunshine Coast and Australia at the biggest robotics competition in the world was such a huge honour and to win this award is an incredible achievement,” she said.

“Our team has trained so hard for many months to prepare for this competition and we couldn’t have made it this far without the support we’ve received from our terrific teachers, our parents, fellow students at Chancellor State College and the local community. Thank you Sunshine Coast!”

Sarah and her fellow ‘RoboRoyals’ team members Ellie Vloedmans, Zara Barnsley, Declan Sonnet, Jameson Harvey, Mackenzie Brown and Fionnbharr Jones travelled to Houston during their Easter school holiday break to compete in the four day event. The team was runner up in the ‘Gracious Professionalism Award’ for its performance.

Mayor Mark Jamieson said the RoboRoyals’ outstanding achievement was a showcase of the talent and potential of our community and students on the Sunshine Coast and their interest in leading innovation and embracing new technologies.

“Programs like Chancellor State College’s national robotics program, Mountain Creek High’s Coding and Innovation Hub, the Generation Innovation youth startup programs and the Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Awards are helping our bright sparks prepare for the careers of the future,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“So I’m delighted to congratulate Chancellor State College and the RoboRoyals team on their fantastic success overseas.

“Our talented youngsters are setting world benchmarks for their skills in robotics and new and emerging technology.”

“In a sense, it what you would expect when these young people come from the Sunshine Coast, which this year was recognised for the first time as one of the Top7 Global Intelligent Communities of 2019.

“The RoboRoyals and Chancellor State College were a key component in helping our region achieve this recognition – and they continue to keep us well positioned to secure the No. 1 Global Intelligent Community Award in June.

“Their efforts – at home, nationally and internationally – are really reinforcing our objective for the Sunshine Coast to be Australia’s most sustainable region - healthy, smart, and creative.

“It is also one of the reasons I was very proud to make each of the RoboRoyals team members Ambassadors for the Sunshine Coast, just prior to them leaving for Houston.

“Our region could not be better represented on the world stage than by the young people on this team.

“So congratulations to the RoboRoyals and Chancellor State College, your hard work and dedication to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is certainly inspiring.”

The First Championship competition was held in Houston, Texas, April 17 – 20, 2019.

For more details on how the Sunshine Coast support future careers visit https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/Business/Entrepreneurship-and-Innovation/Future-Careers

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