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Does your community group need a cash injection for a one-off project, event or activity that benefits the community?

If you answered yes, apply now for a Sunshine Coast Council Minor Grant, with funding of up to $2000 available.

This community grant funding has helped the Outrigger Caloundra Canoe Club purchase replacement life jackets, canoe storm covers and paddles.  

Head Coach Rebecca Prasad said with membership growing, new equipment was needed to help keep up with demand.

“We really appreciated receiving the minor grant funding, it enabled us to buy essential equipment, comply with safety requirements and ensure our members aren’t missing out on anything,” Ms Prasad said.

“Receiving these grants helps us to keep our membership fees lower, which brings more people into the sport and is great for people wanting to try something new and affordable.

“I encourage all the community groups on the Sunshine Coast to see if it’s something they could apply for, I know it’s made such a positive difference to our club and members.” 

Strong Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said it was the perfect opportunity for community groups to get extra support to bring their projects to life.

“This community grant program focuses on supporting projects that respond to community need and deliver on Council’s priorities, strengthen connections between people and their community, and deliver maximum community benefit,” Cr Law said.

“Council is committed to supporting our community, and providing grant funding to help those who dedicate so much of their time and effort to helping others is a key part of that support.”

Fellow Strong Community Portfolio Councillor Taylor Bunnag said the grants helped strengthen the valuable contribution community groups made and encouraged all community groups to consider applying.

“Our not-for-profit organisations make our region such a great place to live, work and play and applying for a minor grant is an opportunity to secure that extra, much-needed funding,” Cr Bunnag said.

“A broad range of Sunshine Coast community groups may be eligible, so please take the time to jump on Council’s website and find out more.”

Minor Grant applications can be submitted in one of six categories: 

  • Community Development
  • Community Facilities
  • Creative Development
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Economic Development
  • Sport and Recreation.
Apply now

Visit Council’s website for more information and to start an application online.

Key dates:

  • Round opens: September 16, 2024
  • Round closes: October 28, 2024
  • Notification anticipated: Early December 2024.

Community groups organising Christmas, New Year, Australia Day, ANZAC Day or Remembrance Day community events can apply online for a Festive and Commemorative Events Grant.