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Council seeks the wider community’s thoughts about the future of the Sunshine Coast.

Corporate planning and performance portfolio chair, Cr Tim Dwyer, said that, as a new regional council, we need to focus on the future.

“We need to build on the strong foundations laid by the former three councils and their communities and forge a new vision and corporate plan for where we want to be and what we want to achieve, Cr Dwyer said.

The corporate plan is council's core strategic document. It is a long-term planning document that will identify the issues and priorities for council until 2013 and beyond.

The corporate plan guides council's decision-making, budget, operations, and resource allocation to achieve the region’s vision.

Council is holding a community conference in November to better understand the needs of the community and to gather ideas and suggestions to help council plan for the future of the Sunshine Coast region.

If you are interested in helping council to progress its new vision and corporate plan, you can nominate to attend the conference. Unfortunately, conference numbers are limited so not everyone who applies can participate, but there are also other ways to get involved.

Further information and nomination forms are available from council’s website at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or by contacting your local council office.

Nominations to attend close on Friday 3 October.