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Ajay Dharam owner of Strong Street Recyclers in Baringa.
Ajay Dharam owner of Strong Street Recyclers in Baringa.

Local businesses and community groups passionate about making a positive impact on the environment and saving money can connect, trade and save on a clever marketplace-style tool.

Thanks to ASPIRE Marketplace more than 7152 tonnes of waste has been diverted from landfill – equating to 2357 cars off the road for a year.

The digital tool connects businesses, community groups, schools, sports clubs, childcare centres and any entity with an ABN to trade or sell unwanted resources and reduce waste.

There are more than 200 resources available to list and exchange including timber, sand, furniture, plastic crates, vinyl offcuts and free mulch currently up for grabs.

ASPIRE is free if you have fewer than 100 full time staff. Visit Council’s website to find out more.

The platform has flourished since 2020 and contributed to more than 4715 tonnes of embedded carbon savings and more than $1.8 million in savings and earnings for businesses in our region.

Sunshine Coast Division 2 Councillor Terry Landsberg said ASPIRE had helped the region surge towards its goal of being the most sustainable in the nation.

“Since its launch in 2020, ASPIRE has attracted 434 members, sparked more than 850 exchanges and diverted more than 7152 tonnes of waste from landfill,” Cr Landsberg said.

“We encourage local businesses and community groups to take advantage of the platform and help our region’s growing circular economy ecosystem.

“By participating in ASPIRE, you’re not only saving money, you are also reducing carbon emissions and helping build a more sustainable future, one exchange at a time."

Local success story

When Ajay Dharam, owner of Strong Street Recyclers in Baringa, needed essential and affordable material for his new facility, he turned to ASPIRE for solutions.

“ASPIRE to me is one of the best platforms I’ve ever come across,” Mr Dharam said.

“I was able to source conveyor belts, office and kitchen furniture and intermediate bulk containers which is integral for my business and saved me around $7000.”

With plans to expand and serve even more of the community, Ajay is a shining example of the positive impact ASPIRE can have on local businesses and the environment.

What is a circular economy?

Circular economy is a term for sharing, repairing, reusing and reducing waste to build a more sustainable world by keeping our resources in use for as long as possible.

It rediscovers how generations before us valued and used resources, but with the added benefit of technology like ASPIRE to make it easier than ever to live greener lives.

ASPIRE is a community-driven approach to sustainability, allowing organisations to become active participants in the circular economy movement.

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