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Sunshine Coast Regional Council formally announces its vision to be Australia’s most sustainable region - vibrant, green, diverse with the official launch of its corporate plan during Local Government Week 2009.

Deputy Mayor and corporate planning and performance portfolio holder Councillor Tim Dwyer said the corporate plan is the culmination of 12 months of research as well as vital contributions received from community representatives, councillors and staff.

“The corporate plan is council’s core strategic document,” Cr Dwyer said.

“It identifies the priorities for council to 2014 and beyond. It also guides council’s decision-making, budget, operations and resource allocations to achieve our vision.

“From the feedback we received during the public consultation period, we are confident that our corporate plan reflects the ambitions and desires of our wider community.

“Council and staff look forward to following the corporate plan and implementing the key priorities and strategies to help achieve our vision of the Sunshine Coast as Australia’s most sustainable region,” Cr Dwyer said.