Website refresh coming soon

Over the coming weeks we are refreshing our website, you may notice some positive changes. Stay tuned for further updates.

Cr McKay - Palmwoods intersection safety concerns

As always, I work to keep the local community informed and up-to-date with various issues and projects that interest, involve or impact them.   


As always, I work to keep the local community informed and up-to-date with various issues and projects that interest, involve or impact them.

Following a number of residents contacting me regarding safety concerns about the Palmwoods intersection of Jubilee Dr, Chevallum Rd and Woombye Palmwoods Rd, I wish to address this matter directly with the state government and local engineers to work together to find a solution asap. I am seeking a meeting with relevant representatives and will be sure to keep you apprised of details.

Garage Sale Trail

Want to make some cash and declutter at the same time? Join hundreds of thousands of people across the country on Saturday, October 22 as a part of the sixth annual Garage Sale Trail.

Last year, Garage Sale Trail sellers on the Coast pocketed an average of $318 with total sales for the region on the day surpassing $61,000.

Council is excited to again be actively involved in bringing this national initiative to our residents as it is the perfect opportunity to promote reuse and recycling as well as community building in a fun and creative way.

For further information or to register for free, visit .

Regional approach to pests

Pest plants and animals are a real issue for many residents across the Sunshine Coast region, not to mention our native flora, fauna, domestic pets and livestock.

From Giant Rats Tail and Groundsel Bush to wild dogs, deer and foxes, it is more important than ever for us to understand the problem to determine how to address it.

I am currently working in partnership with other key stakeholders as part of the Council of Mayors (SEQ) Waterways and Environment Committee on a coordinated regional approach to liaise and gather information from our local communities to help effectively tackle and reduce the issue.

Pet update

Watch this column for further information to come soon on a proposed off-leash dog area at Federation Park, Palmwoods. We’re in discussions with local dog owners keen to have a safe, secure off-leash place close-by to exercise their pets.

And for all owners of dogs and cats, don’t fur-get to register your pet by September 30.

With 42,366 dogs and 8316 cats registered with council, not only does registration information help us reunite lost pets with their owners, it also helps in planning for dog friendly areas and infrastructure, such as dog off-leash parks.

For more information about animal registration, visit council’s website

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