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Community consultation for a new Peregian Springs Community Centre, $2.4 million to sealZgrajewski Road, Yandina Creek, and a new amenities building for Jack Morgan Park, Coolum are just some of the Sunshine Coast Council 2021/22 Budget highlights for Division 9.

Divisional councillor Maria Suarez said council’s $816 million budget included a diverse and valuable mix of projects to create a safer, secure future across the region.

“I’m pleased to be able to progress projects which have been on the community wish list for some time now,” Cr Suarez said.

“Road improvements and sealing of unsealed roads remains a priority. The $500,000 sealing of Oyster Bank Road, Bli Bli and $300,000 to improve the safety and upgrade the Coolum Sports intersection at David Low Way, Coolum are also welcomed investments.

“A missing link of the coastal pathway at Coolum Beach between Lions Park and Norrie Job Park will be built as well as a new amenity block at Jack Morgan Park.

“Planning for a new community park at our Blue Heart at Yandina will begin as well as upgrades to other playground and fitness equipment at Cordellia Street Park Playground, Coolum Beach and Grove Park, Mornington Crescent, Peregian Springs.

“A significant investment is taking place in securing our future waste and recycling processing capacity, with construction of a new Materials Recovery Facility and expansion of the Nambour Landfill and resource recovery facility at Bli Bli.”

Council handed down its $816 million budget on June 24.

Visit www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/budget for more information on Sunshine Coast Council’s 2021/22 Budget.

Capital works highlights for Division 9:

  • $16.86 million to begin the Nambour Landfill Expansion and design and start construction of the Nambour Resource Recovery Centre, Bli Bli
  • $11 million to begin the new Materials Recovery Facility, Bli Bli
  • $4.5 million to design and construct infrastructure such as roads, utilities, services, stormwater, and weighbridge to allow the further development and land use of Lot 3 in the Nambour waste precinct, Bli Bli
  • $2.4 million to continue the sealing of Zgrajewski Road, Yandina Creek
  • $900,000 to replace an amenity block at the Coolum Holiday Park, Coolum Beach
  • $800,000 to replace a box culvert at Cinnamon Avenue, Coolum Beach
  • $600,000 for detailed planning for a new holiday park on David Low Way, Bli Bli
  • $500,000 to seal Oyster Bank Road, Bli Bli
  • $300,000 to upgrade the Coolum Sports intersection, David Low Way, Coolum
  • $285,000 to further develop the Doonan Creek Environmental Reserve, Doonan
  • $250,000 to renew the rugby league and cricket lighting at the Coolum Sports Complex, Coolum Beach
  • $200,000 to build a new amenity block at Jack Morgan Park, Coolum
  • $110,000 for irrigation at Tickle Park, Coolum Beach
  • $103,000 to construct a pathway at Park Crescent, Coolum Beach.
  • $100,000 to plan a new community park at the Blue Heart, River Road, Yandina Creek
  • $100,000 to improve safety at Camp Flat Road, Bli Bli
  • $75,000 to renew the crab platform at Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary, Bli Bli
  • $85,000 to renew playground elements at Cordellia Street Park Playground, Coolum Beach
  • $80,000 to renew the fitness equipment at Grove Park, Mornington Crescent, Peregian Springs
  • $70,000 to upgrade Lakewood Drive including Monak Road between Murdering Creek Road and Nyell Road to an appropriate sealed road standard, Peregian Beach
  • $50,000 towiden the sealed section, between existing gravel road sections on North Arm Yandina Creek Road, Yandina
  • $50,000 to widen Lefoes Road for approximately 200m north of Sports Road, Bli Bli
  • $30,000 to widen part of Godfreys Avenue, Bli Bli
  • $15,000 for new interpretative signage at the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary.

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