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The Disaster Hub is available via the Sunshine Coast Council App.
The Disaster Hub is available via the Sunshine Coast Council App.

Sunshine Coast residents are being urged to check out Sunshine Coast Council’s Disaster Hub as severe weather looms.

This comes as Get Ready Queensland Week (October 9-15) encourages residents to be prepared.

While the warmer months always bring a higher chance of intense storms, this season also is predicted to bring an elevated risk of heat waves and bushfires.

Council’s Disaster Management Lead Wayne Sunderland says now is the time for residents to familiarise themselves with Council’s Disaster Hub and understand how to protect their family and property.

“It’s important to prepare now before the next severe weather event, so you’re best placed to handle whatever Mother Nature throws at us,” Mr Sunderland says.

“Council’s updated Disaster Hub makes it easier for residents and visitors to prepare before, during and after a disaster or emergency.

“The Hub has important, up-to-date information and links to key emergency services in one location, including weather warnings, road closures, evacuation centres, airport updates, traffic cameras, flood mapping, as well as Council’s news updates and social media posts.

“Though Council and the Disaster Management continue preparations all year round, being prepared is everyone’s responsibility.”

There are a few simple steps you can take to Get Ready

Get Ready now before the next wild weather event.

Step one: Understand your risk.

Step two: Prepare a household emergency plan.

Step three: Pack an emergency kit.

For a full list head to getready.qld.gov.au.


Connect with Council and Queensland’s Emergency Services today so you always have the most up to date information WHEN the next natural disaster happens.

For the latest updates, practical resources and what to do before, during and after an emergency, visit Sunshine Coast Council Disaster Hub

Current Bushfire & Warnings can be found at Queensland Fire & Emergency Services 

For the latest weather updates go to Bureau of Meteorology

In an emergency tune in to ABC Radio Sunshine Coast

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