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CEO and Founder of Circle Leadership Global Dave Clare delivered a dynamic keynote on workforce leadership.

A highly engaged crowd gathered to learn all about AI, cyber-security and business leadership at the Sunshine Coast’s premium business expo.

The Thriving Through Change Business Expo, held at Maroochy RSL on October 29, attracted almost 300 people from across the region.

Another 200 business owners, who registered their interest, were connected to online resources and information. 

The event gathered entrepreneurs, small businesses of every type, government bodies, chambers of commerce leaders and industry groups, underscoring the expo’s growing reputation as a must-attend event for business people.

Hosted by Sunshine Coast Council, it featured masterclasses, an exhibition of 36 local support agencies and a keynote address by CEO and Founder of Circle Leadership Global, Dave Clare. 

Sunshine Coast Mayor Rosanna Natoli welcomed attendees and highlighted Council’s commitment to helping local businesses thrive through change.

“The large number of attendees demonstrated our business community’s eagerness to embrace opportunities, connect with each other and tackle challenges together,” Mayor Natoli said. 

“The expo has become a cornerstone for connecting people, programs and resources to help support business resilience and growth.

“You could feel the enthusiasm of the businesses community and see networking and connections in action.”

Businesses can find additional programs, resources and tools to support their business and overcome challenges at Council's Level Up platform.

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