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Women reading a book with a cup of tea.

Sunshine Coast Libraries invites you to join author Charlotte Powers for an introduction to the wild and wonderful world of monster romance.

It is a fast-growing romance sub-genre with stories involving a romantic relationship between a human and monstrous being, such as a mythical beast, alien, or dinosaur. It often includes themes such as tolerance and acceptance.

Blending horror, fantasy and love, noted examples explore compelling relationships between people and dragons, gargoyles and mysterious sea creatures.

One story that became an award-winning film was The Shape of Water where a romance between an amphibious man captured in the Amazon unfolds with a janitor on staff at a Research Centre.

Love that knows no boundaries

Author Charlotte Powers read one monster romance book and fell in love with the genre.

“I love how it challenges the ideals we have when it comes to romantic novels,” Ms Powers said.

“The genre is very inclusive, there really is something for everyone.”

The writing workshops will provide an introduction to the sub-genre and an overview of other popular authors in the space.

Charlotte will delve into the psychology behind why readers find the genre so appealing and give a crash course into writing your own monster romance fiction.

“I’ll take participants through my journey to becoming an author and share my tips for writing, publishing and marketing,” Ms Powers said.

Who can take part in monster love workshop

The workshops are for anyone who is curious about the genre, or who wants to learn how to become a writer in that space. Workshop participants will need to be aged 18 or older to attend.

Workshops will run from March 11-23 across seven Sunshine Coast Libraries locations. Registration is essential via the Libraries website.

Sunshine Coast Libraries develop workshops that reflect the ever-evolving trends in writing and reading. To stay up to date with new library events, programs and workshops subscribe to Libraries eNews.

To become a member of Sunshine Coast Libraries, join online or speak to a friendly staff member at your local library.

Visit the library website for more information library.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

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