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Do you like arts, animals, music and movies?

Join the crowd at the Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens for a free afternoon of entertainment on Saturday and Sunday, November 14-15 from 2pm to 8pm.

Community Programs and Environment portfolio Councillor Jenny McKay said the afternoon would include an exciting mixture of fun, entertaining and educational activities, events and displays set amidst the beautiful natural reserve.

“Bring a picnic and enjoy live music, native animals, green art workshops, storytelling, face painting and seedling giveaways,” Cr McKay said.

“The Sunshine Coast Art Prize Landscape and Wildlife photography exhibition will also be on display featuring an array of stunning photographs that depict the Sunshine Coast natural environment.

“Stay on to enjoy dusk in the gardens and the Starry Night cinema screening of WALL•E at 6.30pm while munching on free popcorn.”

The event forms part of council’s programming aimed at inspiring sustainable lifestyles.

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