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Embracing the spirit of sustainable gifting, Venue 114’s Mega Youth Christmas Market aims to inspire young entrepreneurs to create and share their wares.

With stalls available to hire, the Christmas Youth Market provides a platform for budding artisans and creators.

They can showcase their talents, offering an array of one-of-a-kind gifts just in time for the festive season.

Community Portfolio Councillor Cr David Law said the Mega Youth Christmas Market empowers young people to embrace sustainable fashion and offered an opportunity to earn while making a positive difference.

“The Mega Youth Christmas Market is the perfect place for our young people to sustainably gift shop and make a positive impact,” Cr Law said.

“After a popular and successful market earlier this year, I am thrilled to see the youth market return, connecting young sellers with buyers with a passion for preloved and handmade goods.

“The dedicated event is for 10 to 17-year-olds, who can come together in a safe space to connect, engage and exchange.

“Recognised through the EarthCheck Evaluate program, Venue 114 is a socially responsible, clean and green venue, and the perfect safe place to host this sustainable and youth focused event.”

Event entry is free and stalls are available for only $10 per stall plus a booking fee of 80c.

Parent/guardian permission is required to book a stall with details and terms and conditions available on the event website.

Mega Youth Christmas Market

When: Saturday, December 2, 2023
Time: 10am- 2pm
Location: Venue114, 114 Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina
     Free entry – bookings not required
     Stall holders: $10 per stall

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