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Free waste disposal helps clean up after storm

Sunshine Coast Council area residents can dispose of green waste for free until close of business on Sunday November 24 after a super cell storm caused extensive damage on Sunday.

Free waste disposal helps clean up after storm

Sunshine Coast Council area residents can dispose of green waste for free until close of business on Sunday November 24 after a super cell storm caused extensive damage on Sunday.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said the Caloundra Resource Recovery Centre has re-opened after it was forced to close on Sunday due to large trees intertwined with damaged powerlines blocking the entrance.

Crews remain on site clearing fallen trees at the Buderim Resource Recovery Centre, which is expected to re-open later today.

More than 300 homes remain without power.

Golf Links Road in Buderim remains closed due to fallen power lines down. Motorists are urged to avoid the area. Energex is on site and work is underway to re-open the road as soon as possible.

Mayor Jamieson said council’s after hours call centre received 77 requests for assistance between 3.30pm and 4.30pm yesterday mainly due to fallen trees.

“Council worked with our partner agencies to quickly remove fallen trees from roads last night after the storm hit and our crews continue to remove debris from parks and roadsides today,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“The re-opening of the waste recovery centres is vital to allow residents to dump their storm damaged waste.

”As with previous events the dumping of green waste can occur at no charge”.

Residents should present identification showing their address when they visit the resource recovery centres.

SES recorded over 150 storm related jobs and are working through these to assist the community in making their properties safe. These are expected to increase this morning after further assessments have been completed.

Council crews and resources have been allocated response tasks and clean-up is underway.

Further information will be provided when the extent of the damage is known.

“This has been a significant event and one which council anticipates will take at least a week to clear the public areas.

“We urge anyone with concerns related to their property to call the State Emergency Service for assistance.”

If you have an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000).

For assistance relating to your own property, please call the State Emergency Service on 132 500.

To report damage to council property please lodge an e-request by visiting council’s website at or download council’s app from the app store or Google Play.

To report an urgent matter to council call (07) 5475 7272 or 1300 007 272.