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Did you know your organisation, event, activity or program may be eligible for funding through one of Sunshine Coast Council’s grant funding programs?

And to help you have the best possible chance to secure that funding you can get assistance with your application – all you need to do is contact council.

Community Programs Portfolio Councillor Jenny McKay said the latest round of Community and Environment Levy Grants are now open and recommends applicants read the guidelines carefully before starting an application.

“Council provided more than $900,000 to community organisations through the Community Grants Program during 2014,” Cr McKay said.

“Funding is very competitive from a wide range of community groups so we encourage interested applicants to plan and prepare and contact us if they need help.

“Our grants information sessions are also a great opportunity for applicants to get grant writing tips and explore other funding opportunities.

“Grants Officers can help groups to determine if their project is eligible and can review a draft application.”

Community groups can apply for funding for one-off projects through one of seven categories:

• Community Development

• Community Facilities

• Community Events

• Cultural Development

• Cultural Heritage

• Economic Development

• Sport, Recreation and Healthy Living.

Grant information sessions will be held at libraries across the region in February. Bookings are essential.

Contact a Grants Officer on 5420 8616 to book your spot at an information session or for help with your application.

Major and Environment Levy grants close Sunday, March 8 at 5pm. Minor grant applications for projects up to $2000 open Monday, March 2 and close Monday, April 7.

Applications are also open for Regional Arts and Development Funding (RADF) and Landholder Environment Grants for private, rural landholders for that projects that protect and enhance the environment.

Visit www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/grants for further details and to apply online.

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