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Following a competitive tender process, council has agreed for Walker Maroochydore Developments Pty Ltd to appoint Hutchinson Builders to design and construct an eight-storey multi-deck car park in the Maroochydore City Centre.

The public car park, to be located on Lightning Lane, adjacent to Foundation Place, will provide paid parking spaces for 294 cars, including accessible parking and electric vehicle charging spaces, 39 motorcycle and 28 bicycle spaces, as well as end-of-trip facilities.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said ParknGo Lightning Lane car park will be a welcome and essential addition to the new city centre.

“The emerging city centre is rapidly becoming a bustling hub with offices, residents, restaurants and a hotel, and this multi-deck car park will further support the growing activity in the area,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“The design of the building will incorporate sustainability principles including rooftop solar panels, end-of-trip facilities for users of active transport, electric vehicle charging stations and connection to Australia’s first, high technology underground automated waste collection system.”

Council approved the total project cost to be in the order of $22.5 million.

Construction is scheduled to start in late 2022 with the project anticipated to be completed by December 2023 (weather permitting).

Council is required to progressively deliver approximately 2000 public car parks in the Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area in line with the timing of surrounding development.

Parking fees will be considered by council at a future council meeting.

The Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area is being delivered through a partnership between Sunshine Coast Council, SunCentral Maroochydore Pty Ltd and Walker Maroochydore Developments Pty Ltd. The agreement will see up to $2.5 billion of private sector investment flow into the project.

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