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The ongoing wet and warm weather continues to cause delays and make it difficult for our mowing and maintenance services to be delivered across the Sunshine Coast.

With many of our parks and open space sites still saturated, it is making it very difficult in mowing them.  This is compounded with the humid and warm conditions which is seeing the grass grow at a rapid rate. In many instances, sites are being serviced and within a week are presenting as overgrown grass again. 

Additionally, due to the rapid growth, residents may notice more than normal amounts of grass clippings on site which we try our best to disperse evenly. Please be reassured that these clippings, which acts as a food source for the soils, will reduce once the weather conditions improve.

Right now, our teams are busy caring for our 1095 hectares of parklands and reserves across the Sunshine Coast region - equivalent to 1464 football fields!

Our regular schedule is now being impacted and we will need some sites to dry out before we can mow - otherwise we can risk significant damage to our parks and grounds.

We appreciate that you, our community, are our eyes and ears on the ground so we thank you for your patience while we continue the clean-up works. 

If you see something urgent that needs attention, or is a risk to the community, you can log requests via Council’s website, phone 54 75 72 72, or email us at [email protected].