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Listen to the hair-raising true story of how Atete’s ancestors migrated from Tahiti to Hawaii and her personal journey to the Sunshine Coast.

Hear about the epic 1970s voyage of four explorers who sailed the La Balsa, in a bamboo and reed raft, across the Pacific Ocean to the local park in its name.

Join in the conversation and share your own story of ocean culture.

Please registration for a free session. Morning tea included.

LibraryDate and Time Registration
CaloundraWednesday 20 March, 10.00-11.30amRegister
MaroochydoreThursday 21 March, 10.00-11.30amRegister
NambourFriday 22 March, 10.00-11.30amRegister

Harmony Week celebrates the diversity in our community through inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. See how you can participate in more of this year’s festivities and celebrate your diversity – Harmony Week Sunshine Coast.