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Are you a local resident and passionate about protecting and enhancing the future of our region?

If so, now is the opportunity to consider applying for one of three positions on the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Advisory Group.

The Community Advisory Group is comprised of an independent chair and up to 14 community members representing a broad range of backgrounds and interests across our Sunshine Coast community.

Biosphere Community Advisory Group chair Will Shrapnel said expressions of interest were now open for up to three new members.

“Each of these three roles represent specific interest areas to complement our existing membership,” Mr Shrapnel said.

“This includes education, social/health and small business, thus helping our group to remain representative and reflective of our diverse Sunshine Coast community.

“Our biosphere designation signals to the world we are a community that values our natural environment, and that as a region we will adopt a balanced and sustainable approach to the opportunities and challenges we face as our region continues to grow.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said the Community Advisory Group plays an important role in providing critical insights and ensuring the community remains actively engaged in our Biosphere implementation.

“Our designation as a UNESCO Biosphere is a significant achievement for our region, one which council and the whole community can be proud of,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“As we continue the process of understanding and applying what it means for us to be a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, we remain committed to seeking input and additional perspectives from a range of groups through the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Advisory Group.”

There are a number of ways residents can submit their expression of interest for the three positions on the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Advisory Group:

  • Email it to: [email protected]
  • Drop it off to main reception at council’s administration buildings at Caloundra, Maroochydore or Nambour
  • Mail it to:

Locked Bag 72

Sunshine Coast Mail Centre

QLD 4560

Completed expressions of interest are due by 5pm, Monday 5 December 2022.

For more details and to download an expression of interest pack, visit council’s website haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.


Biosphere Reserves are areas of terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems that are managed with the aim of balancing biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources. The planning and management of Biosphere Reserves relies on the participation of the local community and interested stakeholders. The World Network of Biosphere Reserves includes 738 Biosphere Reserves in 134 countries.


  • The World Network of Biosphere Reserves extends across 134 countries
  • Approximately 257 million people are living in Biosphere Reserves worldwide
  • The World Network of Biosphere Reserves is almost the size of Australia
  • There are only five Biosphere Reserves in Australia including Noosa and Great Sandy biosphere reserves along the southern Queensland coast.*

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