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Heritage Levy allows us all to be guardians of our past

Preserving Sunshine Coast’s heritage has been given high priority in council’s 2016/17 budget with the Heritage Levy increased by $3 to $8 per annum.

Heritage Levy allows us all to be guardians of our past

Preserving Sunshine Coast’s heritage has been given high priority in council’s 2016/17 budget with the Heritage Levy increased by $3 to $8 per annum.

Mayor Mark Jamieson said the Heritage Levy allowed council to meet the key heritage outcomes identified in the council’s five year Heritage Plan – knowledge, conservation, support, communication and advocacy.

“This includes identifying and understanding the places and buildings that have shaped this region,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“The Sunshine Coast Cultural Heritage Study is underway and, when completed this financial year, will inform how we manage these heritage places.

“The Heritage Levy also allows council to establish an accumulative Heritage Futures Fund which will enable a long term savings plan to fund those bigger projects this region may require in the future – projects like a regional interpretation and storage space for heritage collections.”

Heritage Portfolio Councillor Rick Baberowski said the Sunshine Coast was always changing, and that would continue as the region’s population expanded.

“However, it is important we remember where we have come from and pay tribute to and acknowledge those who came before us,” Cr Baberowski said.

“It is imperative we act as good guardians of our past.

“The Futures Fund will be a used to ensure we have the funds to conserve, preserve and interpret our heritage.”

Cr Baberowski said feedback gathered from community engagement programs around the development of the Heritage Plan in 2015 showed the Sunshine Coast community valued all areas of heritage, was keen for council to actively conserve the region’s heritage and supported the Heritage Levy.

“The top three responses showed the community wanted council to fund heritage matters, wanted historic collections to be maintained and accessible and wanted council to play a lead role in protecting and increasing awareness of our local heritage,” he said.

“The research also revealed that Indigenous heritage and areas of cultural significance were highly valued by the respondents as was supporting, up-skilling and empowering volunteers working in the museum sector.

“Our Heritage Levy will help us and our heritage partners work towards achieving those important community expectations.”