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This iconic Queensland town draws thousands to its famous markets, is a mecca for those who love creative arts and has a rich farming heritage dating back to 1831.

Now Eumundi’s main street, Memorial Drive, is set to receive a beautiful new streetscape that its community has been helping shape with Sunshine Coast Council.

The community-led vision will uniquely reflect the character of the township with more tranquil outdoor seating experiences, leafy shade areas, safer pedestrian crossings, and art and heritage interpretation keeping history alive. 

Some latest artist impressions of the detailed design were revealed and the event overall was described by locals as ‘brilliant’ and ‘a win for Eumundi’.

View of new seating area near Dick Caplick park with view of Memorial Drive. Artist impression.

Sunshine Coast Council Division 10 Councillor David Law said the final design was being completed after a key stakeholder workshop on April 21, 2023.

“Passionate community groups, including Save the Memorial Drive Campaign, businesses and key stakeholders joined Council to deliver a shared outcome,” Cr Law said.

“Memorial Drive Streetscape project has been in the spotlight since community engagement kicked off in 2020 with some community groups challenging aspects of the design.

“Now this final step of exploring the project gave community representatives a stronger sense of connection with the design. 

“Representatives in the workshop had the opportunity to share their perspectives and clarify priorities and technical aspects like heritage, pedestrian, movement, traffic and parking.”

The group wanted to ensure Eumundi’s important heritage places are protected and brought to life by being ‘built in’ to the infrastructure through interpretation and signage.

They also sought the incorporation of important place and heritage themes to be reflected in elements such as engraved timber seating, lighting and lantern design in the streetscape.

Town wayfinding signage was also discussed to assist pedestrians to get around the centre and make locating car parking easier.

View looking South along Memorial Drive. Artist impression.

Councillor Law said Council also took on board the suggestion of community and business-led initiatives to further beautify and activate the street.

“The workshop was a way to reach a shared understanding and recognised the extensive community feedback and submissions received,” Cr Law said.

“I want to make sure we are on the same page when I say this workshop was the final session of community engagement for this project and was arranged to listen and communicate the process, purpose and extent of the project. 

“Thank you to the community groups, businesses and residents who have been on this journey with Council and attended this final session to shape the future of Eumundi’s main street.”

Following the workshop, detailed design will be completed and construction of the Eumundi streetscape upgrade will commence late 2023.

More information about the placemaking project can be found on the Have Your Say website: haveyoursay.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/eumundi-placemaking

Streetscape Design includes:

  • Landscaped seating areas with additional street trees
  • Raised pedestrian crossings with safety lighting
  • Upgraded pavement to existing footpaths
  • Art/interpretation opportunities
  • Water bubbler
  • Painted street print to Lonergan Lane road surface
  • Customised ‘Eumundi’ timber seating
  • Improved safety lighting along the Lane
  • Wayfinding signage