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How we plan to make the most of our golden opportunity

How we plan to make the most of our golden opportunity

Sunshine Coast Council has launched its ‘10+10+ vision’ for what we should seek to achieve from being a key delivery partner in the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The milestone document was unveiled today (January 24) at Alexandra Headland with members from the Sunshine Coast 2032 Legacy Plan Community Reference Group.

The Sunshine Coast 2032 Legacy Plan Community Reference Group has worked with council to develop a shared vision and aspirations for our region arising from the Brisbane 2032 Games.

Some of the outcomes identified in the Legacy Vision the region will be seeking to secure include:

  • new and improved transport systems, including the delivery by the Queensland and Federal governments of a passenger rail service from Beerwah to Maroochydore and an improved Sunshine Coast public transport system to cater for the needs of our growing population
  • a range of community-based programs that cover areas such as First Nations, arts and culture, volunteering, disability access and inclusivity generally
  • programs and projects to protect and enhance our natural environment which will contribute to achieving the commitment to deliver a climate positive 2032 Games
  • increased hotel and accommodation options and a focus on developing the Sunshine Coast as an accessible and inclusive tourism destination
  • greater participation in community sport, passive and nature-based recreation opportunities, along with delivering world class, accessible multi-purpose sporting venues.

The Legacy Vision will guide the region’s engagement with other levels of government, the private and community sectors and Games partners.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said as a key partner of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, and with only nine years to go, council was taking this opportunity to set a legacy vision that is bespoke to the region.

“We want our Sunshine Coast community to be the beneficiaries of our involvement in the 2032 Games, with an enduring legacy for current and future generations to enjoy,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“Our council is proud to be a delivery partner for the Games and proud that our region will play host to seven Olympic and two Paralympic events across four key venues.

“The legacy is – and rightly should be – much more than our infrastructure needs.

“It also needs to encompass actions that will make a meaningful impact on the liveability and sustainability of our Sunshine Coast.

“We would be selling our community short if we did not seek to maximise the opportunities afforded from our involvement in the Brisbane 2032 Games. 

“This has been a critically important and complex task and I particularly want to acknowledge and thank all the members of the Sunshine Coast Legacy Community Reference Group for volunteering their time to create our legacy vision.”

Sunshine Coast Legacy Community Reference Group Chair Dr Bridie Kean said the group was extremely proud to have played a role in creating the Legacy Vision.

“Opportunities like these don’t come around often and, when creating the document, the group had the Sunshine Coast community at the forefront of its considerations,” Dr Kean said.

“We’ve had a wide range of representative voices come together to contribute and collaboratively shape this vision.

“The Brisbane 2032 Games give us a chance to secure a real and valued impact for everyone.

“The work that has gone into shaping the Legacy Vision is, however, really just the beginning.

“The rubber hits the road in converting this vision and its aspirations into outcomes – and everyone across our community and all tiers of government has an important role to play in ensuring this becomes a reality.”

Legacy Aspirations:

  • Enhanced connectivity – Our people, places and communities are connected and ready to embrace future opportunities
  • Resilient and active engaged communities – We come together as a strong community
  • Enshrine a sustainable Sunshine Coast – Local sustainability is our continued priority
  • Positive economic impact – ‘Global ready’ through a climate-positive future
  • A healthy, active and lifelong sport region – The world comes to the Sunshine Coast. Download a copy of Sunshine Coast 10+ 10+ Vision for Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games on council’s website.   FAST FACTS – THE SUNSHINE COAST AND BRISBANE 2032 Sunshine Coast Legacy Community Reference Group
  • The Sunshine Coast Legacy Community Reference Group met for the first time in May 2022 and on a number of occasions during the year.
  • The Community Reference Group comprises 16 community representatives with Sunshine Coast Council represented by Mayor Mark Jamieson and Councillor Maria Suarez. The community representatives cover a wide range of interests which include First Nations; People with a Disability; Sport and Recreation; Business, Arts and Culture; Tourism and Events; Young People; Environment; and Education.
  • Community Reference Group members 
  • Chairperson: Dr Bridie Kean
  • Delivery Partner, Alex Surf Club: Ashley Robinson
  • Delivery Partner, Alex Park Conference Centre: Danny Salzke
  • Delivery Partner, Walker Corporation: Peter Saba
  • Kabi Kabi Traditional Custodian: Brian Warner
  • Jinibara Traditional Custodian: Zeitha Jalamala Murphy
  • Arts and Culture: Skye Parker
  • Business and Industry: Stan Garland
  • Community: Michelle Phillips
  • Education and Research: Dr Peter English
  • Environment and Sustainability: Chris van der Pol
  • Olympians/Paralympians: Blake Cochrane
  • People with a Disability: Lisa Edwards
  • Sport and Active Recreation: Mark Henricks
  • Tourism and Events: Matt Stoeckel
  • Young People: Emma Josey Olympic competition events
  • Marathon – Alexandra Headland (staging area)
  • Race Walking – Alexandra Headland (staging area)
  • Cycle Road Race and Cycle Time Trial – Alexandra Headland (staging area)
  • Kiteboarding (Formula Kite) – Alexandra Headland
  • Football – Kawana Sports Precinct, Sunshine Coast Stadium
  • Basketball – Venue options analysis to be undertaken 
  • Mountain Biking – Sunshine Coast Mountain Bike Centre, Parklands. Paralympic competition events
  • Marathon – Alexandra Headland (staging area)
  • Cycling – Alexandra Headland (staging area)